Art Pop / Avant-Garde / Avant-Pop

Night Lunch – God Bless The One I Love

by Stephan Boissonneault

Music is supposed to be fun right? Nothing in a while has been as fun as the satirical and surreal music video for Night Lunch’s “God Bless The One I Love.” Sitting somewhere in style between the sketch comedy of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! and an ’80s John Hughes film, the music video features members of Night Lunch professing their love for nature and the one they love in accompaniment to some weirdo art pop. We have to point out the outfit choices here, especially from the white-clad suit, rosemary bling, and shades-inside man. It’s just too good and he looks like he could be a character in Napolean Dynamite.

It’s impossible to know the goal behind this music video because at first glance it could be religious. But as the video continues and the falsettos (we’re talking like Bee Gee’s level here) soar, we get a clay mountain range and some rotoscopes of trippy hearts, horses, and dolphins morphing into charcoal lava. As the catchy keyboard line continues, there seems to be something wrong and it feels like a strange acid trip. So if that’s what Night Lunch and director Phil Osborne intended, they hit the money. “God Bless The One I Love,” is the first single from Night Lunch’s Fire in the Rose Garden (October 20) out via PAN M 360 favourites, Mothland.

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