Kanse : from Detroit techno to the Tokyo underground

Interview by Elsa Fortant
Genres and styles : Electronic / Techno

Additional Information

Kanse is a Japanese electronic music producer based in Tokyo. He signed his first project on Montreal’s Liquid Love Records. An Attidude is a solid six-track album infused with the original techno of the 1980s, the one we would call “proto-techno”. Kanse explores electro-funk roots to which he adds his touch by working on textures and bass in a more contemporary way. PAN M 360 met him to discuss his assumed reminiscences, his relationship with nature, his creative process and the underground techno scene in the Japanese metropolis.

PAN M 360 : An Attitude is your first album. What did you find difficult and how did you overcome those difficulties?

KANSE : I had been making tracks without thinking about having people listen to them, but this is the first time I have made tracks with releasing in mind. I felt that I had not put enough effort into my tracks before. I would get stuck if I faced music alone all the time, so I intentionally made time to distance myself from music or talked with friends to refresh myself. I think that taking some time off allows me to look at my own tracks objectively, and I feel more motivated to create, and ideas seem to come to me naturally.

PAN M 360 : What is the last book you read/or a book you read while working on An Attitude that particularly nourished your creativity?

KANSE : To be honest, I haven’t been reading much lately. My creativity comes mainly from music and club events. Also, movies, traveling, and meeting new people are sources of my creativity.

PAN M 360 : When I listen to An Attitude, I kind of feel the Detroit “proto techno” vibe, represented by artists like Cybotron. Was it part of your inspirations and more generally, what were your inspirations?

KANSE : I think there is a strong influence by classic techno in my music. I like 80s Electro, such as Cybotron’s Clear. It has a unique atmosphere, is danceable and interesting. Not only 80s but also 90s techno releases are also inspiring. I especially listen to Drexciya and DopplerEffekt a lot and I am quite influenced by their drum patterns and bass lines. Also, there are many artists in the world who are still making these Electro-inspired tracks, so their music is also a motivation for me.

PAN M 360 : What is the link between your work as a music producer and the relationship you have with nature? (Your Bandcamp profile picture, and the description of the album makes a lot of references to nature as well, the 4th elements, etc.)

KANSE : I like nature. When I am stuck on making music, I often take a walk along the river near my apartment. I feel that getting in touch with nature is the most refreshing and brings my mind back to neutral. I am not directly influenced by nature in my music, but I would like to try my hand at that someday.

PAN M 360 : What kind of gear do you use to produce music?

KANSE : I mainly use Minilogue, MS-101, and ESX. I also use MakeNoise’s 0-coast occasionally. I use Ableton Live as my DAW. Basically, I use hardware, but sometimes I make music with DAW only. Recently, I bought a new Elektron Syntakt, so I’ve been working on a few tracks with it.

PAN M 360 : What can you tell us about the electronic music scene in Tokyo? Is it more a club scene, an underground scene?

KANSE : The events are mainly held in clubs and live houses. I have not been to any events overseas, but I think the music scene in Tokyo is more underground than Europe and North america. I have the impression that the music scene in Tokyo is particularly strong in experimental and avant-garde genres. And also there seems to be a strong connection with indie rock. There are many events that mix various genres in Tokyo. I enjoy that.

PAN M 360 : Who are the main actors of electronic music scene in Tokyo (crews, artists, promoters…) and can you tell us about few places that are helping grow the electronic music community?

KANSE : It’s hard to answer this question because Tokyo has various scenes dividedly. The events I often go to these days are HYDROSY, Discipline, and 無政府 Dystopia (Museifu Dystopia). Organizers, DJs and artists at each event are a great inspiration to me. My favorite club venues are VENT in Omotesando, BUSHBASH in Koiwa, and SPREAD in Shimokitazawa. I think the record store Naminohana also plays an important role in supporting the Japanese club scene.

PAN M 360 : What are your plans next ?

KANSE : I have a lot of ideas I want to make into music, so I just want to make more tracks. I think this album is a big step forward for me as an artist. I would like to continue releasing more in the future. Also, I have been making music without much awareness of the Japanese music scene, but I would like to approach that and do live performances, etc.

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