OSL | Antoine Bareil Plays Mendelssohn’s Famous Violin Concerto

Interview by Alexandre Villemaire
Genres and styles : classique / période romantique

Additional Information

The Orchestre symphonique de Laval (OSL) kicks off its season this Wednesday, October 30, with the Violin Concerto by German composer Felix Mendelssohn, one of the most sought-after works in the classical repertoire. OSL concertmaster and Molinari Quartet violinist Antoine Bareil will perform under guest conductor Adam Johnson. Also on the program, the OSL will perform one of the rare orchestral works by Felix’s elder sister, Fanny Mendelssohn. In addition, music lovers in Laval will be treated to Russian composer Modest Moussorgsky’s seminal work Pictures at an Exhibition, imagined following a visit to a retrospective of the works of painter and architect Viktor Hartmann, a close friend of the composer. Alexandre Villemaire interviewed Antoine Bareil, whose comments on this program should make your mouth water.


Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

Overture in C major (10 min)

Felix Mendelssohn

Violin Concerto, in E minor, Op. 64 (30 min.)

1. Allegro molto appassionato

2. Andante

3. Allegretto non troppo

Intermission (20 min)

Modest Moussorgski

Pictures from an exhibition

(orchestration Maurice Ravel) (35 min)

1. Promenade

2. Gnomus

3. Promenade

4. Il vecchio castello

5. Promenade

6. Tuileries. Dispute d’enfants après jeux

7. Bydlo

8. Promenade

9. Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques

10. Samuel Goldenberg et Schmuyle

11. Promenade

12. Limoges. Le marché. La grande nouvelle

13. Catacombae, cum mortuis in lingua mortua

14. Baba Yaga, la cabane sur des pattes de poule

15. La Grande Porte de Kiev


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