The third album by sisters Lisa-Kaindé and Naomi Díaz, known under the banner Ibeyi, is another relaunch of this French-Cuban tandem, much beloved by world 2.0 fans since its appearance in international pop – in 2014. From their beginnings, these talented twins, daughters of a renowned Cuban percussionist (the late Anga Diaz) posed at the crossroads of secular (mostly Yoruba origin) or sacred (Santeria) Afro-Cuban traditions, trip hop, soul pop and synth pop or downtempo, all expressed primarily in English and sprinkled with Spanish and French. The voices of these ladies have continued to improve over the years, the guests do not go unnoticed – Jorja Smith (UK), Berwyn (Trinidad), Pa Salieu (UK, Gambia). The beatmaking by British producer Richard Russell, head of the XL label, and the instrumental parts (percussion, guitars, keyboards) aspire here to a balance between modern pop and a real anchoring in the rich Afro-Cuban culture, essential ground for all Afro-Latin music in the Americas. In ten distinct stations, Spell 31 links poetic evocations of love, bonds, loss of loved ones and other life episodes that mark humans of all nations, races and cultures.