Ensemble SuperMusique Sets Out to Alarm Sound

Interview by Alain Brunet

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“Be on the lookout, a sound is so quick to arrive!” we warn. Sound can become an aggressor, an annoyance, a source of mental pollution, and that’s exactly why Ensemble SuperMusique proposes here a musical pharmacopoeia whose aim is to devise real-time antidotes to the sound alarms that surround us, to toxic background noise, to tinnitus and other elevator or supermarket musaks. This Sunday, December 8, at the Espace Orange in the Wilder Building, six improvisers of all styles and generations propose to alarm the sound by planking on frequencies conducive to soothing and well-being, in order to bring peace back to the auditory canals. Co-founder of SuperMusique, saxophonist, singer, noisemaker, improviser and composer Joane Hétu suggests some elements of understanding before living the experience at the end of a Sunday afternoon. Alain Brunet met her virtually for PAN M 360.


Ensemble SuperMusique (ESM)

Adrianne Munden-Dixon, violin; Rémy Bélanger de Beauport, cello; Pablo Jiménez, double bass; Jean Derome, saxophones, flutes, objects; Eva Dannika Gekas, trumpet; Joane Hétu, voice, objects, saxophone

SuperMusique Program – presented in conjunction with Groupe Le Vivier

Alarmer le sonore (2024)

Rémy Bélanger de BeauportEva Dannika GekasJean DeromeJoane HétuPablo JiménezAdrianne Munden-Dixon Creation

Addendum (2023), 6:30 Magali Babin

Chutes et courants (2023)Danielle Palardy RogerCreation


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