Festival d’art vocal de Montréal | Lorraine Pintal and Simon Rivard Talk About La Chauve-souris

Interview by Alain Brunet
Genres and styles : Classical

Additional Information

Presented as part of the Festival d’art vocal de Montréal, Die Fledermaus / The Bat is a hilarious Viennese operetta by Johann Strauss II, composed in 1874 and premiered at Vienna’s Theater an der Wien that same year. In this case, 150 years after its conception, La Chauve-Souris becomes an immersive 360° cabaret experience, with staging and narration by Lorraine Pintal and the Orchestre Classique de Montréal conducted by Simon Rivard.

The two protagonists in this staging of an important production presented in a special context, at the Richmond Salon, a church converted into a performance hall. The soloists will be baritone Diego Valdez, baritone (Eisenstein); soprano Yang Liu (Rosalinde), soprano Natalia Perez Rodriguez (Adele), soprano Amelia Wawrzon (Ida), tenor Jair Padilla (Alfred), baritone Keunwon Park (Dr. Falke), tenor Pétur Úlfarsson (Dr. Blind), bass Matt Mueller (Frank), mezzo-soprano Maddie Studt (Orlofsky).

A mise en abyme effect is also planned, with the insertion of a second opera into the action of La Chauve-Souris: The Four Note Opera, directed by Joshua Major (New England Conservatory) and conducted by Simon Charette, an absurd opera “that plays on the stereotypes, doubts and triumphs of the singers”. Salon Richmond is just a stone’s throw from downtown Montreal: 550 Richmond, corner Notre-Dame West, 5 minutes from the Georges-Vanier metro station. Parking and shuttle service available on request.

In the middle of rehearsals, Lorraine Pintal and Simon Rivard took a break and gave this generous interview to Alain Brunet for PAN M 360.

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