Montreal’s electronic music ecosystem welcomes a new player, the label Secret Knowledge, co-founded by S Y L A and Inocent, well-known DJs in the local techno underground. The quarantine has allowed these enthusiasts to realize their vision of a digital electro label, rather oriented towards European-style techno (more inward-looking), which bridges the gap between Quebec and France. The artists come from both sides of the Atlantic and the mastering was done in Nice, in the south of France. Inspired by their fascination for history, the accomplices decided to launch a concept compilation. The five producers (it’s a shame no women were involved) brought together for the project had to select a theme related to the myths and legends of humanity from among the 10 proposed to them. In other words, program music, electronic version. “Into the land of Sumentaa”, by Black Noise, more experimental than the rest since it’s not in 4/4 rhythm, opens the album in Finnish lands. The layers of angelic choirs reverberating on “Divine Intervention”, by S Y L A and Inocent, then transport us into an ecclesiastical atmosphere. If there is one subject that has fascinated us for centuries, it’s time travel, which URUBU, used to cinematic compositions, masterfully exploits on “Time machine”. With “Noworldorder”, Lowel sneaks into the world of secret societies. Finally, on “Alchemy” is a search for the philosopher’s stone with KORVN. These last two compositions confirm the return in force of the techno and trance aesthetics of the 2000s. As this is a first experiment, we can certainly affirm that future Secret Knowledge releases will need to be watched for.
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