Country : Canada (Quebec) Label : Ravello Records Genres and styles : musique contemporaine Year : 2023

PAN M 360 / TOP 100 : David Therrien Brongo – Confluence 

· by Réjean Beaucage

Over the past few weeks, our most active record reviewers have had the task of choosing their 5 favorite recordings of 2023, and here they are. This selection is unique and quite different of all you can find on the web or through traditional medias.

It was in May 2023 that percussionist David Therrien Brongo gave his doctoral recital at the Schulich School of Music. He performed “Laisser surgir” (2022) by Patrick Giguère and the “Cinq pièces pour percussions” (1980) by Claude Vivier. In both cases, works for metal instruments. In the case of Giguère, various gongs are struck in meditative mode, without pressing anything, letting the resonances intersect. At Vivier, the inspiration is Balinese, like the instruments (the percussionist actually bought the original instruments from David Kent, who created the piece in Toronto in 1982). Added to the program is a piece by Pierre Béluse, a pioneer of percussion in our country. His piece “Espace” (1988) also explores the changing colors of metal. Finally, “Trakadie” (1970) for percussion and fixed sounds, by Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux. It is the first work of its kind written in Quebec, and it is also a great success; an abundant sound universe.

To see the complete list, click here!

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