Krautrock / Post-Rock

Yoo Doo Right announces a new album with the 16-minute post-rock epic, “Feet Together, Face Up, On The Front Lawn”

by Stephan Boissonneault

I’ve seen Yoo Doo Right live four times, twice back-to-back at the FME festival, and I will never grow tired of their sound. They’re a band that will stop you dead in your tracks, leaving you in a pit of endless head-banging, and then offer brief moments of sonic respite only to launch you back into the pit again. This is what the 16-minute post-rock dirge “Feet Together, Face Up, On The Front Lawn” does. The band creates a pocket universe of guitar trilling, bass-defying, rhythm drums-led suffocation, and then slowly destroys it. It’s been their closing set song for months now, and for good reason.

The accompanying video, created by Mackenzie Reid Rostad, is a visual aid in the chaos. Various repetitive images of fences, highways, power lines and industrial plants take up the scenery in a darkened Sepia tone.

The song previews Yoo Doo Right’s sophomore LP, Murmur, Boundless to the East, out via Mothland on June 10.
The five-song, 45-minute record — the follow-up to their acclaimed debut album Don’t Think You Can Escape Your Purpose—was recorded live-off-the-floor at Hotel2Tango with producer Radwan Ghazi Moumneh (Suuns, Fly Pan Am) and features contributions by violinist Jessica Moss (Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra).

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