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Nada is the wall we hit, it’s the evocation of the nightmarish void, it’s the shit up to our ears. Nada is also singing, perhaps all that’s left when we reach the bottom of the barrel.Nada is the theme of a new We Are Wolves album, which would seem to be the last, preceding other incarnations of the musicians. After an EP in the water due to the pandemic, after Vincent generated one more member in the extended family, the trio is back in action. We Are Wolves maintains its rock identity, as well as its power trio identity. We Are Wolves nevertheless rejects the status quo of its earlier offerings, the crudeness of the 2000s. Nada is also eclectic and multilingual. Nada was released on Simone Records on November 8. In the context of the Taverne Tour (WAW plays this Thursday at Le Ministère), we bring you this interview with Vincent Levesque and Alexander Ortiz, conducted by Alain Brunet for PAN M 360.