Montreal weirdos Shunk might be a rock band from the future. With a peculiar blend of soft ‘70s aesthetics and jagged, synth-punk inspired instrumentation, this 4-piece completely took over Cabaret de la Dernière Chance for their set at FME. Vocalist Gabrielle offers breakneck vocal sections that skim over the throaty, impending guitar. All the while, Julia on bass is keeping it locked down with impossibly intricate low end, screaming every word.
Shunk is pure entropy, a group of 4 honed musicians that could each easily lead the band. If you close your eyes, you can imagine the instruments shapeshifting and transforming, morphing into strange new forms to fit the next musical hairpin turn. Swinging from operatic love songs all the way to borderline hardcore moments, they keep you guessing at every moment, pulling you deeper and deeper into the eclectic but seamless collection of Shunk.