Électro / Hip Hop / Latino

PAN M 360 AT FIJM 2024 | Baby Volcano In Eruption

by Michel Labrecque

Guatemala is a volcanic land. Perhaps that’s why Lorena Stadelmann, a Swiss born of a Guatemalan mother and a Jura father, chose this artist name. One thing’s for sure: there’s something fiery and explosive about Baby Volcano’s performance on the FIJM’s Rio Tinto stage on Tuesday evening, July 2.

This is not jazz. Lorena Stadelmann is surrounded by two beatmakers and plays hip-hop. But we also hear Latin influences, electro and, occasionally, chanson or soft melodies. That’s what makes her so special. Baby Volcano has also chosen to sing mainly in Spanish, with occasional insertions of French. She sometimes borrows the Argentine accent-pronouncing the double l’s as j’s. This is because she lived in Buenos-Aires for three years, from 2015 to 2018. A city where culture occupies a very important place. 

Baby Volcano is more than a singer or songwriter: she’s a performer, a dancer, who gives her all on stage. She came to sing in the middle of the crowd, during a song. A fiery, lava-like temperament! 

Her first EP is entitled Sindrome Premenstrual, (2021). Each piece is dedicated to a body organ. 

This young woman’s career is part of a movement: la Chica, Franco-Venezuelan, Ëda Diaz, Franco-Colombian, this Swiss-Guatemalan artist chooses to speak Spanish. Like Noé Lira, Maritza and Boogat back home.

Porque no? Why not? Baby Volcano will also be at the Festival d’été de Québec and the Festivoix de Trois-Rivières. 

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