Coup de Coeur Francophone | Comment Debord and Thaïs at Club Soda

by Théo Reinhardt

Comment Debord, a big family

Club Soda was more than full to the rafters as groove septet Comment Debord showed what they’re made of. It all kicked off with a jam between the two percussionists, which got the crowd excited, and finally released when the first notes of Chandail principal were heard. This is followed by a celebration of their new album Monde autour, with its rocking, laid-back and sometimes intimate tracks.

Comment Debord’s strength in concert is that they bring us right into the gang. They talk to us as if we’re not so far from being friends, as if we’ve met them before. In the middle of the show, singer Rémi Gauvin pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket with a few questions prepared to get to know the audience better: “Who here manages their eco-anxiety by microdosing mush?”, “Who plays Dungeons Dragons?”, followed by “Who had sex today?”, each question followed by a variable amount of applause, except “Who has ever smoked pot?”, which was virtually unanimous.

How Debord is this group of non-stressed and non-stressers, who know how to play good music, but don’t make a big deal of it. The knowing glances, the laughter, the numerous guitar, bass and drum solos, as well as the instrumental breaks… all good stuff. Whether you’re a young enthusiast or an old nostalgic, don’t miss your chance to see this band.

Thaïs, between aerobatics and gliding

ThaÏs, the Paris-born Montreal singer-songwriter, gave the first performance of the evening. In a sober formula, accompanied by her keyboard, synthesizer and drummer, she still managed to render her songs well. The songs have a gentle background but are enhanced by driving rhythms that sometimes lead to delectable peaks of energy.

This is warm, airy pop, on which the artist’s voice can run between words or flutter over a vowel. Between songs, Thaïs talks fast, makes spontaneous jokes, and walks the line between nervousness and adrenalin. At one point, she plays us her cover of Ariane Moffatt’s Blanche. It’s the song that sees her unfold most vocally. And she can fly high, Thaïs! We’d like to see more of this release.

Photos by Théo Reinhardt

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