Africa / percussions

Lasso & Sini-Kan au Balattou

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Salif Sanou, dit « LASSO », né griot de père en fils dans un univers où la musique et la parole sont au coeur de la vie, a suivi sa famille depuis l’âge de 6 ans dans leurs animations à travers les villages de son pays natal, le Burkina Faso, lors de baptêmes, mariages, funérailles et autres fêtes de villages. Après avoir joué pendant plusieurs années avec des artistes de renom au Burkina Faso, Lasso s’installe au Québec en 2009. En tant qu’auteur compositeur interprète et multi instrumentiste (balafon, kambélé n’goni, taman, calebasse, djembé, doum-doum et autres percussions), il maîtrise avec une virtuosité déconcertante la flûte peul ou encore la flûte qui parle, une petite flûte traversière de roseau à la sonorité envoûtante.

Salif Sanou, aka “LASSO”, born griot from father to son in a world where music and the spoken word are at the heart of life, has followed his family since the age of 6 as they performed throughout the villages of his native Burkina Faso, at christenings, weddings, funerals and other village celebrations. After several years playing with renowned artists in Burkina Faso, Lasso moved to Quebec in 2009. As a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist (balafon, kambélé n’goni, taman, calabash, djembe, doum-doum and other percussion instruments), he masters with disconcerting virtuosity the Peul flute or the “talking flute”, a small reed flute with a bewitching sound.


Ce contenu provient du Club Balattou et est adapté par PAN M 360.

afro-soul / Hip Hop

Ketsmy au Balattou

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Ketsmy est un auteur-compositeur-interprète de la relève montréalaise. Venant d’une famille originaire d’Haïti, il mélange les styles et les langues. Voguant entre le Français, le Créole et l’Anglais, ses chansons aux paroles poignantes dénoncent l’injustice sociale affligeant les personnes racisées à travers ses textes revendicateurs. Le tout livré avec une voix au Soul incomparable, appuyé par des rythmes percutants et prenants. Il qualifie son style d’AFROBLUES, faisant naviguer les auditeurs entre le BluesRock, le Hip-Hop, et l’Afrobeats. Le 18 Mai 2022, Ketsmy dévoile son premier album, MELANIN NEWS. Depuis, il cumule les sorties de singles en collaborations avec divers artistes: JEAN L’OCÉAN, CATBOOT, FOVELLE. Il s’est ensuite lancé dans la production de son nouveau son avec ses derniers singles : MESAJ & MEN SOLEY LA Le 28 avril 2022, Ketsmy s’est vu décerner le Prix du public accordé par le Conseil des arts de Montréal dans le cadre du gala de la 15e éditions des Syli d’Or de la musique de monde, présenté par Les Productions Nuits d’Afrique. 

Ketsmy is an up-and-coming Montreal singer-songwriter. Coming from a family originally from Haiti, he mixes styles and languages. Sailing between French, Creole and English, his poignant lyrics denounce the social injustice afflicting racialized people. All delivered with an unmistakable Soul voice, backed by hard-hitting, gripping rhythms. He describes his style as AFROBLUES, navigating listeners between BluesRock, Hip-Hop and Afrobeats. On May 18, 2022, Ketsmy unveiled his first album, MELANIN NEWS. Since then, he has released a string of singles and collaborated with various artists: JEAN L’OCÉAN, CATBOOT, FOVELLE. On April 28, 2022, Ketsmy was awarded the Prix du public by the Conseil des arts de Montréal at the 15th Syli d’Or de la musique de monde gala, presented by Les Productions Nuits d’Afrique.


Ce contenu provient du Club Balattou et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Electronic / Experimental / Contemporary

ÉLECTROCHOC No 2 | Charles Quévillon + Sawtooth

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Charles Quevillon (ca)

Charles Quevillon est un compositeur canadien, résidant en Finlande. Diplômé du Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, il a travaillé pendant 12 ans avec le chorégraphe Tedd Robinson sur 27 projets, présentés dans des festivals majeurs. Son approche multidisciplinaire l’a amené à collaborer avec des ensembles comme Defunensemble (FI) et Sound Initiative (FR), Kollektiv Totem (CH) et avec l’artiste visuelle Maija Tammi. Actuellement doctorant à l’Académie Sibelius, ses recherches portent sur l’usage symbolique des technologies électroniques en musique.

Charles Quevillon is a Canadian composer, residing in Finland. A graduate of the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, he worked for 12 years with choreographer Tedd Robinson on 27 projects, presented at major festivals. His multidisciplinary approach has led him to collaborate with ensembles such as Defunensemble (FI) and Sound Initiative (FR), Kollektiv Totem (CH), as well as with visual artist Maija Tammi. Currently pursuing a doctorate at the Sibelius Academy, his research focuses on the symbolic use of electronic technologies in music.

Sawtooth Duo (Sarah Albu + Matti Pulkki)

Sawtooth est un duo éclectique voix-accordéon qui explore les liens entre la musique folklorique, la musique classique et le répertoire contemporain. Avec une passion pour les textures expérimentales, la collaboration interdisciplinaire et une profonde connexion à la narration, Sawtooth recherche des répertoires de chansons obscures, adapte des pièces de chambre écrites pour d’autres instruments et développe de nouvelles œuvres en collaboration avec des compositeurs.
Sarah Albu est chanteuse, compositrice et créatrice de performances, spécialisée dans la musique nouvelle/expérimentale, le répertoire du XXe siècle et l’improvisation libre. Basée à Montréal, Sarah est membre fondatrice du collectif vocal expérimental Phth et collabore fréquemment avec des artistes travaillant dans la vidéo, l’installation, la danse contemporaine, le textile et les médias numériques.
L’accordéoniste Matti Pulkki est un interprète actif et enthousiaste du répertoire contemporain et expérimental. Jouant souvent avec différents groupes de chambre et ensembles, Pulkki cherche à explorer et à étendre les possibilités techniques et acoustiques de son instrument dans la musique écrite de notre époque.

Sawtooth is an eclectic voice-accordion duo exploring connections between folk music, classical music and contemporary repertoire. With a passion for experimental textures, interdisciplinary collaboration and deep connection to narrative, Sawtooth seeks out obscure song repertoire, adapts chamber pieces written for other instruments and develops new works in collaboration with composers.
Sarah Albu is a singer, composer and performance-maker specializing in new/experimental music, 20th century repertoire and free improvisation. Montreal-based Sarah is a founding member of the experimental voice collective Phth and frequently collaborates with artists working in video, installation, contemporary dance, textiles and digital media.
Accordionist Matti Pulkki is an active and enthusiastic performer of contemporary and experimental repertoire. Often performing with different chamber groups and ensembles, Pulkki seeks to explore and extend the technical and acoustic possibilities of his instrument in the music written in our time.


Le Baptême du Haut-Parleur (2024) 62’00”
Opéra de chambre en 4 actes pour soprano, accordéon, Genelec 8020D, marionnettiste et électronique.
Délivrance — Mémoires — Souffrance — Sublimation
Le Baptême du Haut-Parleur cherche à déconstruire la vision ordinaire du haut-parleur comme un simple objet utilitaire et à révéler ses significations archétypales et mystiques latentes. Par une approche à la fois ludique et sincère, cet opéra relie le cadre consumériste et technologique du haut-parleur au symbolisme religieux et spirituel. Par exemple, l’Acte I : Délivrance s’inspire du baptême moderne des objets technologiques : les vidéos de « unboxing » sur YouTube. Ainsi, cet opéra interroge la manière d’intégrer de façon significative un haut-parleur, avec toute son « âme » et ses facettes plus sombres, dans la vie spirituelle humaine.


Loudspeaker Baptism (2024) 62’00”
Chamber opera in 4 acts for soprano, accordion, Genelec 8020D, puppeteer and electronics.
Delivery — Memories — Suffering — Sublimation
Loudspeaker Baptism aims to crack open the mundane perception of a loudspeaker as a mere commodity and activate its latent archetypal and mystical meanings. Through a playful yet earnest approach, this opera connects the consumerist and technological framework of a loudspeaker with religious and spiritual symbolism. For instance, Act I: Delivery is inspired by the modern baptism of technological objects: the “unboxing” YouTube videos. Thus, this opera asks, how to meaningfully integrate a loudspeaker, with its whole “soul” and darker facets, into human spiritual life.


Ce contenu provient du festival Akousma et est adapté par PAN M 360

Afro-Cuban / Arabic / Jazz / R&B

Festival du monde arabe : MosaïQ Interlude Jazz

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Le MosaïQ Collective, ensemble montréalais de huit musiciens, crée un dialogue vibrant entre les rythmes afro-latins, les mélodies arabo-andalouses et les harmonies jazz. Leur spectacle, MosaïQ Interlude Jazz : Afro-Latin Rencontre Arabo-Andalou, est une fusion audacieuse des cultures qui composent le paysage sonore de Montréal. À travers des compositions originales et des arrangements saisissants, ils tissent un voyage musical où chaque note incarne l’essence de la diversité. L’énergie des percussions afro-cubaines rencontre la douceur des maqams orientaux, offrant une expérience sonore profonde et universelle, où les frontières se dissolvent pour laisser place à l’émotion pure.

This unique ensemble offers an exhilarating blend of Afro-Latin rhythms, Arab-Andalusian melodies and jazz harmonies, for a bold fusion of the cultures that help define Montréal’s musical landscape. Vibrant Afro-Cuban percussion combines with soulful Middle Eastern maqams for powerful, moving music that transcends borders and stirs emotions.

Ce contenu provient du Festival du monde arabe de Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

Arabic / percussions

Festival du monde arabe : Tempêtes sonores

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Maestro de rythmes percutants qu’il fait résonner avec panache, l’inépuisable musicien Phyras Haddad vous plonge dans l’univers fiévreux des percussions orientales. Il révèle les secrets utiles à la maîtrise de ses instruments tout en offrant un voyage sonore s’étendra de l’Inde au Maghreb, en passant par le Moyen-Orient, retraçant des siècles de traditions percussives.
Les percussions, sans doute le premier instrument de l’histoire de l’humanité, sont pour toujours liées à un archaïsme immémorial. Celui de pulsations en variations qui ne cessent de donner la mesure aux mélodies à venir. Que ce soit à travers la darbouka, le riqq ou le daf, c’est bien une palette vibrante de couleurs sonores que Phyras Haddad n’a de cesse d’agiter. À l’instar des grands virtuoses, ses mains agiles sculptent la cadence d’aventures sonores répétées. C’est ainsi qu’il fait comprendre au public comment doit battre et palpiter le cœur dansant de la musique arabe.

Join rhythm master Phyras Haddad for a thrilling display of Middle Eastern percussion. Haddad will be your guide on a musical journey from India through the Middle East to the Maghreb, as you explore centuries of techniques and traditions. It’s a rare opportunity to discover the vibrant sounds of the darbuka, riq and daf.

Ce contenu provient du Festival du monde arabe de Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

Arabic / Electro-Pop

Festival du monde arabe : Nour Kamar, Promesse de Carthage

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Le FMA présente en première en Amérique du Nord la chanteuse Nour Kamar.
Perle rare parmi les voix les plus prometteuses de la relève, l’étoile montante tunisienne subjugue par la justesse de sa tessiture vocale et l’émotion bouleversante qu’elle suscite auprès du public.
À à peine 21 ans, elle s’impose avec une grâce et une élégance rares, reprenant le flambeau perdu des vedettes d’autrefois. En cette époque aux préoccupations tumultueuses, quoi de mieux pour clôturer cette édition-anniversaire qu’une lueur de jeunesse, empreinte de beauté et de renouveau, qui augure des lendemains plus ensoleillés.

The FMA is proud to present the North American debut of Nour Kamar. A standout among the new generation of singers, this rising Tunisian star has garnered legions of fans with her impressive vocal range and emotional depth. Only 21 years old, her elegance, poise and charismatic stage presence is reminiscent of the legendary performers of yesteryear. In these troubling and tumultuous times, what better way to close this anniversary season than with a celebration of youth, beauty, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


Ce contenu provient du Festival du monde arabe de Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

Arabic / hommage

Festival du monde arabe : Kamel Benani, Mémoire andalouse

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Conçu comme un hommage à son défunt père, Hamdi Benani, “l’ange blanc” de la musique Malouf, ce spectacle, donné par ce soliste de grand talent, perpétue, un héritage musical riche de plusieurs siècles, tout en le marquant d’un sceau inhabituel et inventif.

The highly talented Kamel Benani pays heartfelt tribute to his late father Hamdi Benani—the White Angel of malouf—putting his own inventive stamp on this centuries-old musical genre.


Ce contenu provient du Festival du monde arabe de Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

Bossa Nova / Brazilian / Jazz

Brazilian Days | Saudade According to Erivan GD

by Sandra Gasana

On this second Brazilian day, we were treated to a sextet of high-calibre musicians on Duluth Avenue, to kick off the musical program. Under the direction of bassist Erivan GD, who accompanies several artists on the Montreal Brazilian scene, they concocted a colorful and emotional set.

I had the pleasure of seeing him at La Brassée a few months ago, but this time he had expanded his line-up for the occasion. So we had Jean-Philippe Grégoire on guitar, Santiago Ferrer on piano, saxophonist Thiago Ferté, Olivier Bussières on percussion of all kinds and drummer Shayne Assouline. Together, they managed to make us forget the cold weather at the beginning of September.

What I like about this type of performance, without vocals, is the length of the solos. From the very first tracks, we were treated to several solos, not always in the same order, alternating with each other. We had time to immerse ourselves fully in the musician’s world, in the meanders of his rhythms, before moving on to another musician. The percussionist varied his instruments, sometimes using a pandeiro, or other typically Brazilian instruments, among others.

“It’s cold so I need to move. If you want, you can move with me,” says Erivan, after opening with Afternoons by Milton Nascimento, who has just released an album with Esperanza Spalding.(MILTON + ESPERANZA – PAN M 360).

He then follows up with three of his own compositions, including Déjà vu. The instruments enter gradually, giving the impression that the musicians are dressing up the piece, layer by layer. Even during his solos, Erivan manages to maintain the rhythm and structure of the piece, allowing him to return with the ensemble seamlessly. In his role as conductor, he communicates with his musicians, who know when to come in and when to go out, all very subtly. The intensity was at its highest during Everything is sound, which at times included abrupt stops, before continuing with rhythmic flights.

“The third piece is very special to me on this day, and is called Saudade, which is a Portuguese term that’s difficult to translate into French, a bit like nostalgia,” Erivan explains, before playing a jazz / bossa, my favorite of the show. The progression was a natural one, with moments of solos but also instruments in unison. At this point, the percussionist adds his pandeiro to accentuate the group’s Brazilian touch, before ending the piece in the same way they began it.

We couldn’t end the mini-concert without including another classic, Tom Jobim’s Samba de Verão, with its goosebump-inducing piano solos. And not just because of the cold, but above all because of the intense emotions felt by the audience, who grew in number throughout the show.

Publicité panam
Bossa Nova / Brazilian / Brazilian jazz / Música Popular Brasileira

Brazilian Days | Bianca Rocha: A Lot of Calor In The Cold!

by Michel Labrecque

Sunday September 8 will go down in Montreal history as an unusually cold day. It couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Journées Brésiliennes, which celebrate the culture of a tropical country. But the Brazilian artists didn’t let it get them down. Bianca Rocha injected warmth into our souls, with inspired MPB (Brazilian popular music) that delighted a large audience, some of whom knew most of the lyrics.

Bianca Rocha’s smile is totally infectious when she sings. Irresistible. Her music is a blend of bossa nova, Afro-Brazilian music, gaucho music from southern Brazil, pop and jazz, impeccably arranged by guitarist Rodrigo Simoes. Everything flows naturally, with highly competent musicians, including drummer/percussionist Lara Klaus, who instantly conveys the joy of making music…even when it’s freezing.

Bianca has a versatile vocal range, alternating between meditative sweetness and power. Most of her songs are sung in her native Portuguese, but she did deliver a composition in French, about the possibility of creating paradise on earth; as well as a very feminist song by the excellent Canadian-Colombian artist, Lido Pimienta.

Bianca Rocha is also a committed singer, but with a playful perspective. Even her song Fim Do Mundo (End Of The World) makes you want to dance. In fact, it’s the title of her only album, released in 2021.

This woman, originally from Curitiba in southern Brazil, came to Montreal in 2019 because of the rise to power of far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro, she tells me in an interview after her show. Her partner landed an interesting professional opportunity and the family moved north. Since then, Bianca Rocha loves to live Montreal and plans to stay here, while eventually opening up to the Brazilian music market.

Bianca Rocha is thus a welcome addition to Montreal’s increasingly rich Brazilian musical ecosystem, as we heard this weekend.

Let’s face it: there’s musical talent from all over the world in Montreal. And all these people are mixing and creating together. No matter what some politicians think, it makes Montreal great. Even for native Quebecers, who were present at the Journées brésiliennes

Publicité panam
Brazilian / Brazilian jazz / Jazz

Brazilian Days | Manoel Vieira : A Tribute to João Donato Better Than The Original?

by Michel Labrecque

On Saturday, September 7, Duluth Street was transformed into a mini-Brazil. Churrascos (Brazilian barbecues), food stalls of all kinds, hundreds of people speaking mostly Brazilian Portuguese, and music. It was on this note that the Brazilian Days kicked off, before rain spoiled the party in the afternoon.

Pianist and composer Manoel Vieira and his musician friends were the first to take to the stage. Just hearing them warm up, it was clear to my ears that we were in for an above-average concert of Brazilian music.

Manoel gave us a tribute concert to the great Brazilian jazzman and composer João Donato, who died last year. It started with Vento do Carnaval and ended with Bananeira. And we were floating for just over an hour.

Manoel Vieira studied classical piano while being an adept of improvised music. In 2020, he released Rhizome, a blend of bebop and Brazilian forro. He teaches at the Université de Montréal and occasionally performs with Brazilian symphony orchestras. Listen to my interview with him on PANM360 to learn more.(Manoel Vieira to Launch Brazilian Days – PAN M 360)

On stage, he was supported by a group of super-solid musicians. Erivan Duarte on bass, Laurent Cauchy on trombone, Thiago Ferté on saxophone, Aquiles Melo on drums and percussion, and João Lenhari on trumpet and flugelhorn. The latter also teaches at the Université de Montréal and leads his big band. I joked with him that Brazil was invading the university’s music faculty. What do you expect,” he replied, ”we’re the best.

Indeed, the musicians in this group are excellent. While following João Donato’s skilful melodies, they gave their all in improvisations and solos. A mixture of virtuosity and emotion. Unfortunately, as it was the beginning of the day, there weren’t enough of us. But those who were there were all smiles.

Let’s hope this concert is repeated soon in a venue more conducive to listening. A magical musical moment. Knowledgeable and festive!

Publicité panam

POP Montréal: The Spirit of the Beehive + Winter

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Au cours de la dernière décennie, SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE a affiné une esthétique sans pareille. Iels découpent des échantillons, les mâchent et les recrachent pour nous nourrir à la cuillère. En quatre albums et quelques EP, Zack Schwartz, Corey Wichlin et Rivka Ravede se sont affirmé·es comme les déconstructeur·ices les plus étranges et habiles du rock. Hypnic Jerk, sorti en 2018, était une étude d’échantillonnage noise punk. C’était une percée pour le groupe. Frank Ocean est devenu fan, faisant jouer « fell asleep with a vision » à Blonded Radio. ENTERTAINMENT DEATH, sorti en 2021, était de la dream pop sale mixant le réalisme d’un vieux dépanneur avec le charme aléatoire d’un iPod shuffle.

Over the past decade, SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE has honed an unparalleled aesthetic. They cut up samples, chew them up and spit them out, spoon-feeding us. In four albums and a handful of EPs, Zack Schwartz, Corey Wichlin and Rivka Ravede have established themselves as rock’s strangest and most deft deconstructors. Hypnic Jerk, released in 2018, was a study in noise punk sampling. It was a breakthrough for the band. Frank Ocean became a fan, playing “fell asleep with a vision” on Blonded Radio. ENTERTAINMENT DEATH, released in 2021, was dirty dream pop mixing the realism of an old convenience store with the random charm of an iPod shuffle.


Ce contenu provient de POP Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360.

EDM / Electronic / Techno

Palomosa | Gesaffelstein at the top of the festival

by Sami Rixhon

Palomosa’s big hit: French electronic artist Gesaffelstein performed late Friday evening, bringing the first day of this new festival to a close. The performance was convincing, and confirmed the organizers’ choice of Gesaffelstein as headliner.

On the remnants of an already nostalgic summer, in memory of the defunct Montréal Électronique Groove, Palomosa presented a fine line-up of urban artists to get the most curious Montreal fans of the genre on their feet.

At 9.50pm, Gesaffelstein kicks off the final performance of the day at the Videotron stage with The Urge, from his third and most recent album, Gamma. The piercing yellow eyes of Gesaffelstein’s headphones, known as “the black prince of French techno”, pierce the darkness of the venue. The artist stands at the top of the stage podium, his mixers resembling long black crystals. Laser beams and space-like projections accompany the oppressive music orchestrated by Gesaffelstein. The dark, bass-heavy musical style recalls the compositions of Justice, who performed just a few hundred meters away at Osheaga 2024 a month ago.

The atmosphere never lets up throughout the set, and the audience seems more than satisfied with what they see on stage. The festival-goers’ outfits aren’t all suited to the September evening temperatures, but give a jolt of reminder of Palomosa’s primary mandate: here, you’re free, here, you’ll always feel welcome.

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