
M pour Montréal présente Albert Dalton

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Au cours des cinq dernières années, Albert Dalton a remporté le prix MusicNL 2020 de l’artiste rap de l’année et a également sorti plus de 100 chansons, dont 17 vidéos, 3 projets de collaboration avec Already Dead, 2 mixtapes, 4 EP, 3 projets de longue durée, et plus encore. Ayant touché à la plupart des domaines du genre, il est impossible de savoir quelle direction prendra le prochain projet du rappeur originaire de Terre-Neuve.

Over the last 5 years, Albert Dalton won the 2020 MusicNL award for Rap Artist of the Year and also released over 100 songs which include 17 Music Videos, 3 collab projects with Already Dead, 2 Mixtapes, 4 EPs, 3 Full-length projects and more. Having dabbled in most areas of the genre; there’s no telling what direction this Newfoundland native rapper’s next project will take.


Ce contenu provient d’Albert Dalton et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Country Folk

M pour Montréal présente Shaina Hayes

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Shaina Hayes est une chanteuse et compositrice country/folk qui vit actuellement à Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC). Élevée dans un petit village d’agriculteurs et de pêcheurs de la côte est du Québec, les liens intrinsèques de Shaina Hayes avec sa terre natale et son héritage distinctif ont forgé un cadre sérieux et chatoyant sur lequel sa musique prend forme.

Shaina Hayes is a country/folk singer and songwriter currently based in Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC). Raised in a small farming and fishing village on Quebec’s east coast, Hayes’ intrinsic ties to her homeland and distinctive heritage have forged an earnest and glimmering framework onto which her music takes shape.


Ce contenu provient de M pour Montréal et de Shaina Hayes et est adapté par PAN M 360.


M pour Montréal présente Slow Down Molasses

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Confrontant une énergie anxieuse et hérissée à des accents pop très prononcés, Slow Down Molasses, originaire de Saskatoon, n’a jamais eu peur de traverser des territoires sonores fluctuants. Dans sa dernière itération, le quatuor plonge dans les traînées de retard et la désintégration de l’effet larsen avec un son imprégné de terreur existentielle et de guitare rock post-punk frémissante.

Confronting bristling anxious energy with highly-pronounced pop edges, Slow Down Molasses of Saskatoon, Sask. Canada has never been shy about traversing shifting sonic territories. In their latest iteration, the four-piece plunge deep into delay trails and feedback decay with a sound steeped in existential dread and simmering guitar rock post-punk sunshine.


Ce contenu provient de M pour Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Blues / Jazz

Lou Laurence at Quai des Brumes

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Don’t come to her shows to mosh; come to make out, to laugh, to write a letter, to hear a story, and to leave with a story to tell. Come to have a time.

Don’t come to her shows to mosh; come to make out, to laugh, to write a letter, to hear a story, and to leave with a story to tell. Come to have a time.

Lou is tall, but her voice is taller. Her vocal style has been described as a blend of Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, and more recently, Billie Holiday.

Lou Laurence’s style is jazzy blues-pop. Her songs combine simple blues-style dialogue with humor, love, and a deep, sweet, soul.

Her big vocal sound is accompanied by rhythmic home-modified baritone ukuleles (acoustic and electric).

Lou has played everywhere from large festivals to Montreal metro stations; dirty pubs to classy corporate gigs. Her performances combine storytelling with her songs rooted in raw emotion, witty lyrics, and catchy melodies.


Original content from Lou Laurence and Quai des Brumes, adapted by PAN M 360.

Alt Folk / Prog Rock / Rock

Sylvie + Après l’asphalte at Coup de cœur francophone

by Rédaction PAN M 360

These two sturdy bands will make their music resonate up to the high ceiling of the Quai des brumes on Thursday, November 11. Expert creators of quirky neo-prog Sylvie and garage-folk practitioners Après l’asphalte will take turns performing on the stage of the legendary Saint-Denis Street venue.

Garage Rock / Psych-Rock / Rock

I.D.A.L.G. • Dunes • Oodooo

by Louise Jaunet

Post Dynastie, the last album from I.D.A.L.G. (Il Danse Avec Les Genoux), released on Teenage Menopause Records (Le Prince Harry, Essaie Pas, Chocolat), dates back to 2015. The band recounts in French the myth of the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl, incarnated as a feathered serpent, and creates a beautiful nine-track ode against a background of psychedelic garage rock. The duet of Jean-Michel Coutu and Yuki Berthiaume on vocals is somewhat reminiscent of the Limiñanas, influenced by the yé-yé and garage rock of the 1960s. On stage, the sextet turn a show into a hypnotic and compelling underground psychedelic rite.


Philippe Mius D’Entremont

by Patrick Baillargeon
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