Daniel Bejar, better known as Destroyer, is back in 2022 with an album announcement and an esoteric video single called “Tintoretto, It’s for You.” The song is somewhat of a free-verse mystery as Bejar sings in his romantic, mythical minstrel voice backed by pounding drums, dark jazz piano, and the odd off-timed synth.
Fragments of sentences form while imagery of arcane beasts appear as Bejar walks through the music video, following a bunch of red herrings that ultimately lead to nowhere. I learned long ago that deriving a complete meaning from a Destroyer track is pointless. For example, “Tintoretto,” could be a reference to the Italian painter, but it could also be from a lost voice memo Bejar recorded on his phone. The track is a preview to Destroyer’s 13th album, LABYRINTHITIS, out March 25.
Indie Rock