FME DAY 3I The Land of Lemongrab

by Stephan Boissonneault

Lemongrab, The now berlin-based punks bore into my head with intense driving bass lines and raw vocal performances from Léonie Dishaw and Gaëlle Cordeau. Their visceral sound resonates with the violent come up of an acid trip. The intense stage presence frenzies the crowd who demands more. Léonie descends into the churning ocean of bodies to scream in our faces. Their euro-punk aesthetic blended with the old pub of Cabaret de la Dernière Chance, transporting us to somewhere else entirely, a strange land known as Lemongrab. They are a wave of freezing saltwater smashing you in the face; coming up for air only to get kicked in the teeth. As I looked around the room, we all shared that same bloody smile. Lemongrab is not to be missed.

BY Jacob Zweig

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