Country: Senegal
This show is part of the Global Beats series presented by CJMD Lévis 96.9.
“Def Mama Def. Or Defmaa maadef. In wolof, it means “karma”, “give and take”. No room for interpretation. We immediately guess who we are dealing with: lionesses who do not give up and lead the way! Def Mama Def are their two names, “the combined energy of Defa, the singer, and her accomplice Mamy Victory, the rapper, who fill the space both physically and vocally” (RFI Musique, 2023). Almost covering the drums they strike with vigour, the strong voices of this leading duo of Senegalese Hip-hop carry a powerful word, which defends social values and denounces the condition of women.”
This content comes from the official website of the Festival International Nuits d’Afrique and is adapted by PANM360.