North East Asian / Taiko

Drum Tao 2020

by Rupert Bottenberg

How many musicians can you think of that include daily long-distance runs, calisthenics and martial arts training in their practice schedule? That’s what’s required of the percussionists in Japanese ensemble Tao, which since 1993 has brought the fearsome thunder of traditional taiko drumming, enhanced by flavours from elsewhere in Asia and a striking theatrical flair, to stages around the world. Excitement is guaranteed when they start clubbing the skins at Place des Arts.


Eastern European / Romani Music

Alexandru Sura: ” Paganini cymbalumesque “

by Rupert Bottenberg

Moldovan-born Montrealer Alexandru Sura is an acknowledged master of the cimbalom, that trapezoidal chordophone commonly applied in Eastern European traditional music. Sura summons up the tantalizing timbres of this underappreciated instrument when he joins the Rondo Capriccioso de Saint-Saëns orchestra for a program of Paganini’s revered “Campanella”, the third movement of his Violin Concerto No. 2, as well as some Romanian folk-music delights.


Post-Rock / Rock / Shoegaze

Towers of Jupiter • ESC

by Rupert Bottenberg

Patient and subtle where so many of their post-rock contemporaries are merely tedious and vague, Montreal’s Towers of Jupiter construct impressive edifices of otherworldly sound. Their recent free download, “Histoire sans mort 2020”, decently demonstrates their magnified mood-scaping. Get in on the ground floor of this one.


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