Electronic / Folk / Indie / new age

POP Montréal : Cassandra Jenkins + Nailah Hunter + Valmy

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Cassandra Jenkins

Comme le ciel nocturne lui-même, le monde de Ma Lumière, Mon Destructeur est en constante expansion. Le troisième album de Cassandra Jenkins ouvre la promesse d’atteindre les limites du nouveau, avec une palette sonore plus large que jamais auparavant, englobant le rock indie piloté par la guitare, le new age, la sophistipop et le jazz. Au centre de tout cela se trouve la curiosité de Jenkins envers les quarks et quasars qui composent son univers, alors qu’elle mélange les enregistrements de terrain avec un lyrisme poétique tour à tour allusif, humoristique, dévastateur et confessionnel – un geste alchimique qui approfondit encore la richesse de l’album.
À ses côtés dans cette immersion, un groupe d’amis issus de tout le spectre du rock indépendant moderne ; producteur Andrew Lappin (L’Rain, Slauson Malone 1), El Kempner de Palehound, Meg Duffy de Hand Habits, Isaac Eiger (anciennement de Strange Ranger), Katie Von Schleicher, Zoë Brecher (Hushpuppy), Daniel McDowell (Amen Dunes), producteur et l’instrumentiste Josh Kaufman (de An Overview de Jenkins), la productrice Stephanie Marziano (Hayley Williams, Bartees Strange) et l’amie de Jenkins, la réalisatrice/actrice/journaliste Hailey Benton Gates. Avant tout et comme toujours, Jenkins s’inspire de l’électricité bavarde du monde qui l’entoure, louchant les parasites radio avec le désir de mieux comprendre. Tissant habilement l’enregistrement sur le terrain, les sons trouvés et l’audio auxiliaire (comme les sons des trains et les agents de bord), elle attire l’attention sur des moments plus étranges que la fiction qui amènent l’auditeur plus loin.

Like the night sky itself, the world of My Light, My Destroyer is always expanding. Cassandra Jenkins’ third full-length cracks open the promise of reaching the edge of the new, with a wider sonic palette than ever before—encompassing guitar-driven indie rock, new age, sophistipop, and jazz. At the center of it all is Jenkins’ curiosity towards the quarks and quasars that make up her universe, as she blends field recordings with poetic lyricism that is at turns allusive, humorous, devastating and confessional—an alchemical gesture that further deepens the richness of the album.
Joining her in this immersion is a cast of friends pulled from across the modern indie rock spectrum; producer Andrew Lappin (L’Rain, Slauson Malone 1), Palehound’s El Kempner, Hand Habits’ Meg Duffy, Isaac Eiger (formerly of Strange Ranger), Katie Von Schleicher, Zoë Brecher (Hushpuppy), Daniel McDowell (Amen Dunes), producer and instrumentalist Josh Kaufman (of Jenkins’ An Overview), producer Stephanie Marziano (Hayley Williams, Bartees Strange), and Jenkins’ friend, director/actor/journalist Hailey Benton Gates.
Above all and as ever, Jenkins is drawing inspiration from the chattering electricity of the world around her, squinting through radio static with the desire to gain a greater understanding. Deftly weaving field recording, found sound, and ancillary audio (like train sounds & flight attendants) she brings attention to stranger-than-fiction moments that bring the listener further in.

Nailah Hunter

Nailah Hunter est une multi-instrumentiste et compositrice basée à Los Angeles. Sa musique pour harpe, électronique et voix scintille d’un rayonnement spirituel, plein de magie, d’émerveillement et d’énergies curatives.

Nailah Hunter is a multi-instrumentalist and composer based in Los Angeles. Her music for harp, electronics and voice shimmers with spiritual radiance, full of magic, wonder, and healing energies.


Valmy est une auteure-compositrice-interprète et multi-instrumentiste originaire de l’Ontario qui a suivi l’océan et s’est installée sur la côte est. Explorant les thèmes de l’émerveillement, du deuil et de la guérison, elle utilise sa musique d’influence folk pour raconter des histoires sur l’amour et sur la façon de se frayer un chemin dans l’obscurité. Basée à St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Valmy crée en tissant son écriture contemplative à des vagues mélodiques inspirées de la nature et des harmonies atmosphériques. Son premier album, The In Between, est sorti en septembre 2023 et a été chaleureusement accueilli par le public, avec une critique élogieuse de Tony Ploughman chez Fred’s Records : « Les rythmes et les mélodies enveloppent l’esprit et l’âme comme une courtepointe soigneusement rapiécée… Il y a une cohésion dans cet album qui offre des réflexions méditatives sur l’équilibre de notre état mental en harmonie avec la nature, ses chansons fournissant un processus méthodique pour atteindre cet équilibre. Et l’intensité sous-jacente qui nous pousse à suivre l’appel de nos pensées et de nos émotions pour créer est constante… Habilement produit, réalisé et mixé, The In Between est l’une des meilleures sorties NL de 2023 ». Valmy a clos l’année 2023 avec deux nominations aux MusicNL Awards, a été sélectionnée aux East Coast Music Awards 2024 et a également été sélectionnée pour trois MusicNL Awards 2024 dans les catégories Artiste alternatif, Artiste solo et Auteur-compositeur Ron Hynes de l’année. Elle est très enthousiaste à l’idée de rencontrer son public lors de sa tournée d’automne de l’est du Canada pour The In Between.

Valmy is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Ontario who’s been following the ocean and making home on the East Coast. Exploring themes of wonder, loss, and healing, she uses her folk-influenced music to tell stories about loving and stumbling your way through the dark. Based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Valmy creates and performs by weaving nature-inspired melodic swells and atmospheric harmonies with her contemplative writing. Her debut full-length album ‘The In Between’ was independently released in September 2023 and warmly received by listeners, with a thoughtful review from Tony Ploughman of Fred’s Records: “The rhythms and melodies wrap around the mind and soul like a lovingly patched quilt… There is a cohesiveness to this full album offering meditative musings on balancing one’s own mental state in harmony with nature, the songs providing a methodical process to achieve that balance. And the underlying intensity to follow through on the beckoning of one’s thoughts and emotions to create is constant…Deftly produced, engineered and mixed, “The In Between” is one of 2023’s finest NL Releases”. Valmy concluded 2023 with two MusicNL nominations, was a 2024 East Coast Music Award nominee, and was also nominated for three 2024 MusicNL awards for Alternative Artist, Solo Artist, and Ron Hynes Songwriter of the Year. She is excited to be connecting with audiences on her Autumn Tour in support of ‘The In Between’, through Eastern Canada.


Ce contenu provient de POP Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Electronic / Électronique

PAN M 360 at Nuits d’Afrique – Pahua : A Latina Tornado

by Michel Labrecque

Pahua, real name Paulina Sotomayor, is a Mexican DJ, producer and songwriter. She plays folktronica, this new genre that mixes traditional sounds and electronic music. 

Her concert began late, which made me miss a large part of the recital by the Brazilian Luis Salgado, at Balattou, which was otherwise very good, in a very different register. 

As soon as she arrives on stage, Pahua envelops the audience with her disarming smile, her enthusiasm to be among us. She is surrounded by computers, but also by percussion and two musicians, an electric guitarist and a percussionist, both wearing enormous white glasses. 

Palhua composes, sings and is also a percussionist. Which gives a more percussive version in concert than that of his first album, Habita, released at the end of 2023. Groove quickly took hold and a majority of the audience started dancing. A mixture of cumbia and other Latin American rhythms stirred up Le Ministère. 

The electronic arrangements, mixed with traditional recorded instruments, notably accordion, flutes and trumpet, add musical material to the rhythm. There are also more meditative, more folk moments. 

Paulina Sotomayor also knows how to sing and clearly enjoys it. In addition, behind the stage, a video constantly shows images of both the urbanity and the nature of Mexico and Latin America. 

Because, if Pahua is Mexican and proud of it, we sense in her a desire to embrace all Latin American cultures. She will also, in a future project, be interested in Brazilian baile-funk, she told us in an interview. 

On her album Habita, she multiplied collaborations with musicians from across the continent, from Costa Rica to Chile. It is part of a larger ecosystem of folktronica, which would benefit from being better known here. 

Pahua is undoubtedly a Mexican artist to follow. And Le Ministère public seemed to enjoy it to the fullest.

Publicité panam
Africa / rap

PAN M 360 at Nuits d’Afrique 2024 – Def Mama Def, Two Sisters in Art  

by Sandra Gasana

That’s what came out of the show put on by Defa and Mamy Victory, aka Def Mama Def, last night at Le Ministère, during the 38th edition of the Festival Nuits d’Afrique. The explosive Senegalese female duo of the moment is much more than a duo, they’re sisters in art. Dressed in skin-tight hooded jumpsuits, wearing smoked glasses, they arrive on stage accompanied by Simsa on drums and Mr No One on turntables.
Between rap and singing, the two artists complement each other and engage in a musical dialogue on stage. “We almost didn’t sleep last night, we were so excited,” confides Mamy Victory, her hair dyed blue for the occasion. As well as singing and rapping, they dance perfectly well, play percussion, all with an electrifying energy. “The next song is for lovers,” they tell us, before teaching us the lembel, one of Senegal’s many dances.

In front of a still shy audience, they managed to raise the temperature in the room on the track Jigeen, which means woman in Wolof. On several occasions, they address the crowd in their native tongue, much to the delight of the Senegalese in the room. “This time, we’re going to the north of Senegal”, warns Defa, as she performs dance steps from her homeland and gets the audience singing along. The two artists tease each other a lot, especially when they tackle the delicate question of ethnicity. “Y’a pas que les Toucouleurs, y’a aussi les Sérères”, Mamy Victory defends herself.

Another highlight of the evening is the song Oh Maliko, on which tradition and modernity are fused.
The second half of the concert opens with percussion, as they reveal their talents with this instrument. The two women return to the stage equipped with sticks, and it’s immediately clear that the level of intensity is about to rise. The complicity of the two women is evident throughout the performance. Through glances, smiles and improvised choreography, you can tell they’re enjoying playing together, like yin and yang, waltzing between softness and hardness. Softness in Defa’s honeyed voice when she pushes the note, and hardness at times during Mamy Victory’s torrid raps.

Another electrifying moment is undoubtedly the song Dieuredieuf, released in 2022, which means thank you in Wolof. “We’re going to sing for the whole of Africa”, they announced, in a discotheque-like atmosphere. We were even treated to a little cardio session during which they got our arms moving, before returning to percussion accompanied by their DJ, who also got in on the act. My favorite track was Kalanakh, from the Oh Maliko EP, which they described as “an alarm bell announcing their next album” during my interview with them. Indeed, 2025 will be the year of Djar Djar, the duo’s debut album. Before closing their show, they paid tribute to all the artists who had gone before them, including Positive Black Soul (PBS) and Orchestre Baobab, to name but a few. The only disappointment is that the Senegalese community didn’t turn out in large numbers to welcome the two sisters in art, but let’s just say that this is their first concert in the city, and certainly not their last. Until then, let’s hope the word of mouth will do its job.

Publicité panam
Cumbia / latino / Salsa

Festival International Nuits d’Afrique : Boogát

by Jacob Langlois-Pelletier

« Boogát est un des porte-étendards les plus prolifiques de la musique latine au Québec » (La Presse, 2024). Poirier, Marie-Mai, Karim Ouellet, Grégory Charles, les 7 Doigts, Alfa Rococo, Radio Radio et bien d’autres : Boogát est de toutes les collaborations. Alors le voir en tête d’affiche, avec son nouvel opus Del Horizonte, ça fait plaisir ! Juste équilibre entre les Cumbia, Salsa, Reggaeton, des scandés Hip-hop et des sons digitaux, la musique de ce lauréat d’un prix Juno, qui traite autant d’identité que d’amour en espagnol (surtout), en anglais et en français, est diablement efficace, dansante et joyeusement insoumise.

“Boogát is one of the most prolific standard-bearers of Latin music in Quebec” (La Presse, 2024). Poirier, Marie-Mai, Karim Ouellet, Grégory Charles, les 7 Doigts, Alfa Rococo, Radio Radio and many others: Boogát is part of every collaboration. So it’s great to see him headlining with his new opus Del Horizonte! Striking the right balance between Cumbia, Salsa, Reggaeton, hip-hop rhythms and digital sounds, the music of this Juno award-winner, which deals as much with identity as love in Spanish (mostly), English and French, is devilishly effective, danceable and joyfully rebellious.


Ce contenu provient des Productions Nuits d’Afrique et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Afrobeat / Cumbia / House

Festival International Nuits d’Afrique : Pahua

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Pahua incarne à la fois féminité, nature et force intérieure. Authentique (elle a d’abord été chanteuse de Mariachi), cette compositrice, percussionniste, DJ et productrice est l’étoile montante de la Latin Wave. Instigatrice d’une Folktronica nuancée, la co-fondatrice du groupe Sotomayor Music explore les rythmes primitifs des percussions latines, qu’elle texture d’une House aérienne. On décèle dans les arrangements qu’elle crée, retentissant de bonnes vibrations, des références à la Cumbia, à l’Afrobeat, au Kuduro, au Dembow ou au Dancehall.

Pahua embodies femininity, nature and inner strength. Authentic (she started out as a Mariachi singer), this composer, percussionist, DJ and producer is the rising star of Latin Wave. Instigator of a nuanced Folktronica, the co-founder of the group Sotomayor Music explores the primitive rhythms of Latin percussion, which she textures with an airy House. References to Cumbia, Afrobeat, Kuduro, Dembow and Dancehall can be detected in her vibrant arrangements.


Ce contenu provient des Productions Nuits d’Afrique et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Africa / Afro-Electro / Électro

Festival International Nuits d’Afrique : Mr Touré! invites Don Barbarino and Bellavie

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Country: Guinea, Haiti, Togo, Nigeria, France, Quebec

This show is part of the «Nuits d’Afrique sound system» series and is presented by CISM.


“He did not fall far from the tree. alias Sagewondah is the son of the founder of Keur Samba, the other Afro-tropical bar in Montreal, who helped to promote world music in the 1980s. But we get lost… Key figure of the electro scene, the DG-DJ of the Ausgang Plaza shares the internship with his acolytes Don Barbarino, old fox of the revolving tables of the metropolis and elsewhere, ardent promoter of Haitian culture, and the sensation Bellavie, a new muse for Montreal’s dance floor, during an evening celebrating diversity and synthetic rhythms.”


This content comes from the official website of the Festival International Nuits d’Afrique and is adapted by PANM360.

Africa / Afro Rap / Afropop

Festival International Nuits d’Afrique : Def Mama Def

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Country: Senegal

This show is part of the Global Beats series presented by CJMD Lévis 96.9.


“Def Mama Def. Or Defmaa maadef. In wolof, it means “karma”, “give and take”. No room for interpretation. We immediately guess who we are dealing with: lionesses who do not give up and lead the way! Def Mama Def are their two names, “the combined energy of Defa, the singer, and her accomplice Mamy Victory, the rapper, who fill the space both physically and vocally” (RFI Musique, 2023). Almost covering the drums they strike with vigour, the strong voices of this leading duo of Senegalese Hip-hop carry a powerful word, which defends social values and denounces the condition of women.”


This content comes from the official website of the Festival International Nuits d’Afrique and is adapted by PANM360.

Dub / Folk / Punk Rock

Norté Tropical – Nastasia Y et Dumai Dunai au Ministère

by Jacob Langlois-Pelletier

Plongez au cœur d’une soirée inoubliable de solidarité entre les musiques slaves et latines ! Sur scène, laissez-vous envoûter par la voix enchanteresse de Nastasia Y (Ukraine-Toronto), imprégnée de l’âme du folk slave. Ensuite, laissez-vous emporter par le groupe captivant de Montréal, Dumai Dunai (sextuor), qui mélange les rythmes dub et l’énergie du punk rock avec l’euphorie pure des cuivres des fanfares de mariage des Balkans.

Ce plateau double se déroulera sur scène en solidarité avec des MC imprégnés de la culture urbaine latino-immigrante de Montréal : Chellz (Sonido Pesao, Salvador), Maï (Paraguay) et Akawui (Chili et Mapuche, peuple autochtone important établi dans la partie méridionale de l’Amérique latine et commissaire de la 3e édition de Norté Tropical). Pour célébrer la diversité et la solidarité, le collectif Sauce Piquante Soundsystem, avec Oonga, Gioco, KC aka et Kizaba, se réunira pour offrir un mélange pimenté de remue-ménage et de joie collective en fin de soirée.

Immerse yourself in an unforgettable evening of solidarity between Slavic and Latin music! On stage, let yourself be enchanted by the enchanting voice of Nastasia Y (Ukraine-Toronto), imbued with the soul of Slavic folk. Then, let yourself be swept away by Montreal’s captivating Dumai Dunai (sextet), who blend the dub rhythms and energy of punk rock with the pure euphoria of Balkan wedding brass bands.

This double bill will take place on stage in solidarity with MCs steeped in Montreal’s urban Latin-immigrant culture: Chellz (Sonido Pesao, Salvador), Maï (Paraguay) and Akawui (Chile and Mapuche, an important indigenous people settled in the southern part of Latin America and curator of the 3rd edition of Norté Tropical). To celebrate diversity and solidarity, the Sauce Piquante Soundsystem collective, featuring Oonga, Gioco, KC aka and Kizaba, will come together to offer a spicy mix of hustle and collective joy at the end of the evening.

Ce contenu provient de Traquen’art et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Pop / Rock

Lancement d’album: Zagata au Ministère

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Zagata, auteur-compositeur-interprète nous arrive en force avec le lancement d’un premier album, intitulé « Balle Courbe ». Un spectacle énergique, explosif de couleurs, de créativité et de passion, qui ne pourra que mettre le sourire aux lèvres du public. Sa voix remplie d’émotions et accrocheuse font de Zagata un artiste hors-pair qui se démarque sur la scène montréalaise.

Singer-songwriter Zagata arrives in force with the launch of her debut album, entitled “Balle Courbe”. An energetic show, explosive with color, creativity and passion, that’s sure to put a smile on the audience’s face. Zagata’s catchy, emotionally-charged voice makes her a standout performer on the Montreal scene.

Ce contenu provient du Ministère et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Chanson francophone / Indie Folk

Lancement d’album: Simon Kearney au Ministère

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Préparez-vous à un voyage épique, sonore et visuelle avec Simon Kearney qui vous invite à explorer ses îles. Accrochez-vous, car c’est le grand lancement de son album, « L’Île » !

Une expérience unique vous attend lors de cette soirée exclusive où Simon et son groupe se produiront en sextuor. Plongez dans l’univers captivant de son nouvel album alors qu’il est interprété dans son intégralité avec les arrangements originaux. Percussions latines, violons traditionnels et trompettes festives transformeront cette soirée en une fête mémorable dont vous vous souviendrez longtemps.

Après le spectacle, vous serez cordialement invités à rester prendre un verre avec Simon et son groupe. Une projection d’archives vidéo captivantes, filmées à la caméra VHS, vous transportera dans l’atmosphère pittoresque et enveloppante de « L’Île » de Kearney.

Vous pourrez dire que vous y étiez!

Get ready for an epic voyage of sound and vision as Simon Kearney invites you to explore his islands. Hold on tight, because this is the big launch of his album, “L’Île”!

A unique experience awaits you on this exclusive evening, when Simon and his band perform as a sextet. Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of his new album as it is performed in its entirety with the original arrangements. Latin percussion, traditional violins and festive trumpets will turn this evening into a party to remember.

After the show, you’re cordially invited to stay for a drink with Simon and his band. A projection of captivating video archives, filmed on VHS camera, will transport you to the picturesque, enveloping atmosphere of Kearney’s “The Island”.

You’ll be able to say you were there!

Ce contenu provient du Ministère et est adapté par PAN M 360.


Suzie Villeneuve au Ministère

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Lancement de l’album de Suzie Villeneuve “De la tête au coeur”.

C’est le moment de célebrer la sortie de ce projet et d’entendre pour l’occasion, quelques nouvelles chansons signées par l’artiste.

Launch of Suzie Villeneuve’s album “De la tête au coeur”.

It’s time to celebrate the release of this project, and to hear some of the artist’s new songs.

Ce contenu provient du Ministère et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Alternative Rock

Quarters of Change at the Ministère

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Quarters of Change is a four-piece alternative rock band from New York City.

Quarters of Change est un groupe de rock alternatif de quatre musiciens de New York.


This content comes from the Ministère and is adapted by PAN M 360.

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