chanson keb franco / Neo-soul / R&B

Rau_Ze at Club Soda | The voice of Montreal Youth

by Sami Rixhon

Braving the cold for a dose of R&B, another of soul. Rau_Ze, a project revolving around a young duo formed by Rose Perron and Félix Paul, treated itself to an extra performance at the launch of Virer nos vies at Club Soda, its first career show. Well, not really.

Not really, because a little over two years ago, the Saint-Laurent venue saw Rau_Ze win the 26th edition of the Francouvertes. In a way, they had come full circle there, on these stages, before reaching even greater heights.

Talkin’ ’bout my generation

The line in front of Club Soda stretches for half the block several dozen minutes after the doors open. The checkroom is full (literally) and we’re struggling to find a seat in the balcony. The fervour is real.

Rau_Ze and a half-dozen musicians take to the stage and open their set with the title track from their album, Virer nos vies. Everyone repeats it, everyone already knows it, but what a gift Rose Perron has for singing. Her personality is unique, she exudes confidence the more she lets herself be carried away by her vocal flights. Yet Perron seems immediately more shy when the words she utters are not accompanied by musical notes, when she impromptu addresses such a loyal crowd between songs. Music transforms us.

Sumerset, Pas la peine, L’Habitude (especially L’Habitude): barely six months after the launch of their album, Rau_Ze can already look back on real hits that are probably on many a Montrealer’s playlist. In fact, I’ve seen the duo’s name mentioned several times in recent days in my friends’ Spotify and Apple Music retrospectives. It’s simple: Rau_Ze is the biggest Generation Z musical phenomenon in Quebec since Hubert Lenoir, in 2018. It’s no mean feat to completely fill Club Soda after a successful first launch, which took place in a venue half the size, and without having released any new material since.

Rau_Ze plays all the pieces on Virer nos vies, offers a cover of Claude Dubois’ Femmes de rêve, and closes the set with two insane jams of free-punk-jazz-psychedelic-experimental that leave room for pogos at the foot of the floor.

In their early twenties, the members of Rau_Ze are a true example of success and rigor for anyone their age who aspires to excel. The offering is professional and particularly mature, and the ceiling, already very high, will get higher the more experience the band gains.

A MTELUS with them in a year or two will be devilishly pleasant.

Photo Credit : Camille Gladu-Drouin

trad québécois

27e édition de La Veillée de l’avant-Veille au Club Soda

by Jacob Langlois-Pelletier

DE TEMPS ANTAN (Spécial 20e) et LE VENT DU NORD avec Camille Labrèche, Ève Tessier, Mélina Mauger-Lavigne (Invités spéciales gigue)

ÉDITH BUTLER (Invitée spéciale pour la Bénédiction du jour de l’an)


Marie-Desneiges Hamel

André et Réjean Brunet

Olivier Demers

avec, au CÂLL:

Érick Tarte

Comme à chaque année, de nombreuses surprises vous attendent.

DE TEMPS ANTAN (Special 20th) and LE VENT DU NORD with Camille Labrèche, Ève Tessier, Mélina Mauger-Lavigne (Special jigging guests)

ÉDITH BUTLER (Special guest for New Year’s Eve Blessing)


Marie-Desneiges Hamel

André and Réjean Brunet

Olivier Demers

with, on CÂLL:

Érick Tarte

As every year, many surprises await you.


Ce contenu provient du Club Soda et est adapté par PAN M 360

Alternative / Pop indé


by Sami Rixhon

Portes : 19h00
Spectacle : 20h00

Goodbye Karelle (20h)
Lubalin (21h)
Charlie Houston (22h)
DJ Yuki

Doors: 7pm
Show: 8pm

Goodbye Karelle (20h)
Lubalin (21h)
Charlie Houston (22h)
DJ Yuki


Ce contenu provient de M pour Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

acadie / Country Folk

Les Hay Babies au Club Soda

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Le spectacle live des Hay Babies, c’est une expérience envoûtante où le rock rencontre l’âme folklorique de l’Acadie. Ce show c’est la fête, c’est country rock et c’est sincère. Greyées de guitares, de costumes iconiques et de leurs harmonies vocales, elles entrainent les spectateurs sur une virée musicale au travers des paysages sonores riches des régions qui leur tiennent tant à cœur. Et qui dit  » Acadie  » dit « bon temps ». Sur scène, Julie, Katrine et Vivianne dégagent une énergie contagieuse grâce aux histoires comiques et touchantes de leur dernier album. Elles créent une ambiance à la fois festive et introspective, pleine de sourires, d’écoute et d’émotions. Les Hay Babies ne se contentent pas de divertir, elles créent une connexion authentique avec leur public en l’invitant à connaître davantage les récits et les rythmes de leurs chez eux, une chanson à la fois.

The Hay Babies’ live show is a spellbinding experience where rock meets the folk soul of Acadia. This show is about celebration, country rock and sincerity. With their guitars, iconic costumes and vocal harmonies, they take the audience on a musical journey through the rich soundscapes of the regions they love so much. And where there’s “Acadie”, there’s “bon temps”. On stage, Julie, Katrine and Vivianne exude a contagious energy, thanks to the comical and touching stories on their latest album. They create an atmosphere that’s both festive and introspective, full of smiles, listening and emotion. The Hay Babies don’t just entertain, they create an authentic connection with their audience, inviting them to get to know the stories and rhythms of their home, one song at a time.


Ce contenu provient de Simone Records et est adapté par PAN M 360

chanson keb franco / Indie Rock / Pop indé

La Marche de l’empereur au Club Soda : Thierry Larose, blesse, Lysandre, P’tit Belliveau et invités

by Rédaction PAN M 360

La Marche de l’empereur, ayoye. Festival d’un soir seulement au Club Soda orchestré par Maison Pingouin. Des chansons sélectionnées HABILEMENT présentées par les artistes eux-mêmes : Thierry Larose, blesse, Lysandre et P’tit Belliveau en plus de plusieurs invités surprises. La cerise sur le sundae : Marianne Boucher à la direction artistique ; capitaine des transitions pour enchaîner les artistes pingouins / artistes invités. DJ Pingouin en ouverture blastera-très-fort du hip-hop approuvé par la vraie culture. Ayoye!

La Marche de l’empereur, ayoye. A one-night-only festival at Club Soda orchestrated by Maison Pingouin. Selected songs HABIALLY presented by the artists themselves: Thierry Larose, blesse, Lysandre and P’tit Belliveau, plus several surprise guests. The icing on the sundae: Marianne Boucher as artistic director; master of transitions to link Penguin artists / guest artists. DJ Pingouin opens with a blaster of hip-hop approved by real culture. Ayoye!


Ce contenu provient de Simone Records et est adapté par PAN M 360

Alt-Pop / R&B

M pour Montréal : Claudia Bouvette + Naomi + myst milano. + DJPyromane

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Portes: 19h00
Spectacle: 20h00
myst milano. (20h)
Naomi (21h)
Claudia Bouvette (22h)

Doors: 7pm
Show: 8pm
myst milano. (8pm)
Naomi (9pm)
Claudia Bouvette (10pm)


Ce contenu provient de M pour Montréal et est adapté par PAN M 360

Folk / Pop / Pop indé

Coup de coeur francophone : soirée Wallonie-Bruxelles | Pierre de Maere, Noé Preszow, Alice on the Roof, Saule et Charles

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Pierre de Maere

Pierre de Maere, la nouvelle révélation venue de Belgique, poursuit son ascension. Les hostilités sont lancées en 2022 avec la sortie de son premier EP “Regrets”. Porté par une couverture médiatique et populaire fulgurante, le succès de son single d’or « Un jour je marierai un ange », des scènes remarquées en France et en Belgique, Pierre de Maere ne cesse de nous surprendre et de relever les défis.

Pierre de Maere, the new revelation from Belgium, continues his ascent. Hostilities kicked off in 2022 with the release of his debut EP “Regrets”. Buoyed by dazzling popular and media coverage, the success of his golden single “Un jour je marierai un ange” (One day I’ll marry an angel), and a string of high-profile performances in France and Belgium, Pierre de Maere never ceases to surprise and challenge.

Noé Preszow

Sur la route de la chanson depuis son plus jeune âge, Noé Preszow (prononcer Prèchof), bruxellois aux origines multiples, est un auteur-compositeur-interprète de 29 ans. Au coeur d’une époque qui réclame positionnement fluide et lisibilité permanente, il est fait de ceci et de cela : de pop immédiate et de poésie énigmatique, de discrétion et de lyrisme.

Noé Preszow (pronounced Prèchof), a 29-year-old singer-songwriter from Brussels, has been on the songwriting trail since he was very young. At the heart of an age that demands fluid positioning and permanent readability, he’s made of this and that: immediate pop and enigmatic poetry, discretion and lyricism.

Alice on the Roof

La chanteuse pop belge Alice on the Roof, ancienne participante de The Voice Belgique, cultive sa différence avec un style musical entre pop planante et électro dansante.

Belgian pop singer Alice on the Roof, a former contestant on The Voice Belgium, cultivates her own distinctive musical style, somewhere between soaring pop and danceable electro.


Saule est un chanteur et un musicien évoluant dans un univers entre folk, blues et rock. Son père est belge, sa mère d’origine sicilienne. Il grandit au rythme de sons différents, de Frank Zappa à Georges Brassens.

Saule is a singer and musician who moves between folk, blues and rock. His father is Belgian, his mother Sicilian. He grew up to the rhythm of different sounds, from Frank Zappa to Georges Brassens.


Charlotte Foret, mieux connue sous le pseudonyme de Charles, est une auteure-compositrice-interprète belge, née en 2001. Elle est originaire de Braine-le-Château. Gagnante de la huitième saison de l’émission The Voice Belgique, son premier single Wasted Time sort en 2020.

Charlotte Foret, better known under the pseudonym Charles, is a Belgian singer-songwriter, born in 2001. She hails from Braine-le-Château. Winner of the eighth season of The Voice Belgique, her first single Wasted Time was released in 2020.


Ce contenu provient de Coup de cœur francophone et est adapté par PAN M 360

art punk / New Wave / Rock

Coup de coeur francophone : zouz, La Sécurité et René Lussier

by Rédaction PAN M 360


Le groupe zouz, c’est le terrain de jeu musical de David Marchand (voix et guitare), Étienne Dupré (basse) et Francis Ledoux (batterie). Un espace effervescent qui pave la voie à une exploration libre et imprévisible. Le power trio donne naissance à des compositions riches et incisives. Sur scène, épaulé par la choriste Shaina Hayes, zouz offre sans répits ni artifices des performances enlevantes tenant le public en haleine à chaque instant. Pour une expérience rock remplie d’audace.

zouz is the musical playground of David Marchand (vocals and guitar), Étienne Dupré (bass) and Francis Ledoux (drums). An effervescent space that paves the way for free, unpredictable exploration. The power trio gives birth to rich, incisive compositions. Backed up on stage by backing vocalist Shaina Hayes, zouz delivers relentless, unpretentious performances that keep audiences on the edge of their seats at all times. A daring rock experience.

La Sécurité

Le collectif d’art punk montréalais La Sécurité s’avère toujours frénétique et enivrant. Mélange irrésistible de rythmes sautillants et de mélodies minimalistes, sa musique évoque une immersion dans l’énergie nocturne de la métropole. Assemblant le punk, le new wave et le krautrock, le groupe qui s’est démarqué avec l’album Stay Safe! en 2023, prône l’autonomisation et célèbre la tolérance à travers des paroles engagées. Pour vivre la symbiose entre poésie mystérieuse et créativité débridée.

Montreal’s punk art collective La Sécurité is always frenetic and intoxicating. An irresistible blend of bouncy rhythms and minimalist melodies, their music evokes an immersion in the nocturnal energy of the metropolis. Blending punk, new wave and krautrock, the band, which made its mark with the 2023 album Stay Safe!, advocates empowerment and celebrates tolerance through committed lyrics. Experience the symbiosis of mysterious poetry and unbridled creativity.

René Lussier

Figure emblématique de la musique actuelle, René Lussier offre un spectacle sans frontières ni étiquettes. Fort de 50 ans de carrière et de 25 albums indépendants, il navigue brillamment à travers différents terrains sonores avec son complice, le batteur Robbie Kuster. Ensemble, ils alternent compositions et improvisations, offrant une expérience unique à chaque performance. Pour une leçon de liberté d’expression.

An emblematic figure in today’s music scene, René Lussier offers a show without borders or labels. With a 50-year career and 25 independent albums to his credit, he navigates brilliantly through different sonic terrains with his accomplice, drummer Robbie Kuster. Together, they alternate compositions and improvisations, offering a unique experience with each performance. A lesson in freedom of expression.


Ce contenu provient de Coup de cœur francophone et est adapté par PAN M 360

Hip Hop / Keb Rap / R&B

Coup de coeur francophone : Lost et Guessmi

by Rédaction PAN M 360


Le rappeur d’origine camerounaise qui a fait ses débuts en musique au cœur de Cartierville remplit désormais les salles à travers le Québec. Il met de l’avant son talent pour la parabole et la métaphore et se questionne sur son identité dans des textes aussi touchants que remplis de vérité. Lost produit plusieurs projets solos et collectifs et marque également la scène québécoise avec le groupe 5Sang14. Il présente sur scène une bonne partie de son répertoire, dont les chansons issues de son plus récent album Bonhomme Pendu 4 (Chapitre Perdu). Pour se laisser prendre par le pouvoir de la vérité.

The Cameroonian-born rapper, who made his musical debut in the heart of Cartierville, is now filling venues across Quebec. He showcases his talent for parable and metaphor, and questions his own identity in lyrics as touching as they are full of truth. Lost has produced several solo and collective projects, and has also made his mark on the Quebec scene with the group 5Sang14. On stage, he presents much of his repertoire, including songs from his most recent album Bonhomme Pendu 4 (Chapitre Perdu). Let yourself be taken in by the power of truth.


Par leur talent, leur engagement et leur détermination, elles prennent une place de plus en plus importante sur la scène  du hip-hop québécois. Parmi elles, une jeune étoile montante. Son nom, Guessmi.  D’origine tunisienne, née et grandie au Québec, celle pour qui d’aussi loin qu’elle se souvienne, chanter et rapper lui ont permis d’aller mieux, concocte un rap aux textes à la fois sombres et lumineux mâtinés de R&B, d’afropop et de UK garage.

Thanks to their talent, commitment and determination, they are taking an increasingly important place on the Quebec hip-hop scene. Among them is a young rising star. Her name is Guessmi. Tunisian-born and bred in Quebec, Guessmi has been singing and rapping her way to better health for as long as she can remember. Her rap is both dark and luminous, with a touch of R&B, Afropop and UK garage.


Ce contenu provient de Coup de cœur francophone et est adapté par PAN M 360

Hip Hop / rap / Soul/R&B

PAN M 360 at FIJM 2024 | Erick the Architect, A Guided Tour of Brooklyn

by Jacob Langlois-Pelletier

“Can I take you to Brooklyn tonight?” These were the first words of American rapper, singer and producer, Erick The Architect, as he entered Club Soda. On Friday night at FIJM, one third of the iconic New York group Flatbush Zombies took the crowd deep into his family history and the reality of his childhood neighborhood, navigating with finesse between hip-hop, rap, R&B, soul and dancehall.

Visiting Montreal to present I’ve Never Been Here Before, his first solo album released earlier this year, “the Architect” set the mood for nostalgia right from the start. From start to finish, various archival projections of all kinds scrolled behind him, from an old soccer game to excerpts from The Simpsons, to recordings of video games he played when he was no taller than three apples.

A certain narrative thread runs through the show: the MC talks for several minutes about a member of his family, puts on a few related songs, then repeats the whole thing. In this way, the audience gets to know his brothers, his mother, his father and even his cat.

Why is the 35-year-old artist telling us all this? Simple: his entourage has shaped the music he makes today, from his kindergarten love of James Brown to his brothers’ keen interest in the Wu-Tang Clan collective. Fans of his work will certainly have been seduced by the rapper’s many anecdotes, while the curious will say that the pace of the evening was affected.

Whatever the case, fans in attendance got their money’s worth from the quality of Erick the Architect’s performances, which lasted almost 120 minutes. Accompanied by a DJ and a musician alternating between keyboard and bass, the rapper delivered every rhyme from his latest opus with passion and impeccable technique. It’s hard to give a more accurate performance – everything was there.

The most memorable aspect of his performance was undoubtedly his versatility. It seems so easy for the architect to travel through his different musical influences, from a trap track like Parkour to the excellent Breaking Point, a haunting pop ballad.

Almost two hours after taking to the stage, the psychedelic rap icon closed with his disco hit Candle Flame, a collaborative piece with British soul-funk band Jungle. “This song will make you dance and burn the calories in your poutine,” he said with a smile.

I’ve Never Been Before, failing to repeat myself, is one of the most complete and interesting hip-hop offerings to have been unveiled since the start of 2024. There’s no doubt that Erick the Architect is building a superb foundation for his solo career.

Photo credit: Novak Productions

Publicité panam
Folk / Pop / rap

Francos : Tendances Brasseur de Montréal – Lary Kidd, Yamê, Aliocha Schneider, Canicule, Breastfeeders…

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Les Francos de Montréal se dérouleront du 14 juin au 22 juin prochain. Pour l’occasion, La Presse présente la série de spectacles « Tendances Brasseur de Montréal ».

The Francos de Montréal run from June 14 to June 22. For the occasion, La Presse presents the “Tendances Brasseur de Montréal” series of shows.

  • Aliocha Schneider – Mercredi 19 juin 2024
  • Zaho – Vendredi 21 juin 2024
  • Canicule – Samedi 22 juin 2024
  • Les Breastfeeders – Samedi 22 juin 2024


Ce contenu provient des Francos et est adapté par PAN M 360.

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