The Record, this music, these folk songs, these indie rock frequencies, this phrasing, these solo or harmonized voices, this purpose, this Americanity. Boygenius generates unanimous agreement this weekend, and will obviously be in the indie top tier for the rest of the year at least. To make a supergroup like this take off, i.e. straight out of the indie culture, you have to avoid the trap of the concept as such. It is also necessary to be up to this female charge, by the very nature of this line-up: 3 imposing figures for indie culture, Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus, all 27 years old. Boygenius has everything to go mainstream, as every detail of the program has been digested by anyone who comes from American culture and lives in North America. The trio draws from Simon & Garfunkel to Sufjan Stevens (in folk pop mode) to all those Dinosaur Jr. from the continent , including some winks in our direction – Montreal as an almost conventional destination in one song, Leonard Cohen in another but maybe not in the best of terms. Without pretending to be, Boygenius is a synthesis of the best that this (less and less) independent music culture has produced. The Record is the eloquent mastery of these forms, the ideal execution of their creators and performers who assume their classicism – since they were developed by the generations that preceded them. However, the fervor, the voluptuousness and the talent transcend the apparent conformism. The subject matter also justifies its relevance, the preoccupations of this generation are put into poetry, one feels its sincerity. It is not given to all the stars to reach such a result.