It’s a Serbian-Canadian connection presented by the Alisma label, a branch of Atma classique devoted to ‘neoclassical’ instrumental music, which has been propelled to the top of the charts over the past decade by artists such as Ludovico Einaudi, Chilly Gonzales, Alexandra Stréliski and Jean-Michel Blais. Here, Serbian composer Ana Krstajić, a Berklee graduate in music for the screen (film, TV and video games) joins Canadian (and Montrealer) Joey Reda, also associated with music for film etc.
Although there’s no avoiding the very traditional tonal focus (generally in the minor mode), and the frequent use of Philip Glass-style (for such is the nature of this music), there’s a refinement that leads to some harmonic inflections that are more chromatic than the norm for this genre. You’ll notice, for example, the greying colours and tight harmonies of “Resurfacing,” more reminiscent of the film compositions of Alexandre Desplat or Zbidniew Preisner than the soapy surfaces of many other contemporary ‘neoclassicals’.
What’s more, Ana Spremić’s beautifully caressed piano is warmly supported by the Belgrade Chamber Orchestra. Beautiful, simple music, but with an undeniable extra soul.
The album will be out on March 28 2025