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Série Invitation Gentiane MG : Sam Dickinson at the Upstairs Jazz

Fri 26 Aug 2022 • 07:00 pm / Fri 26 Aug 2022 • 09:30 pm Jazz
Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill - Montreal 16.50$
· by Rédaction PAN M 360

Pour cette série invitation, la pianiste et compositrice Gentiane MG invite des instrumentistes et compositeurs canadiens. Les concerts mettront en valeur la musique originale de chaque invité et leur voix unique.

Dès un très jeune âge, Gentiane a été attiré par la musique comme un moyen d’expression puissant. Enfant, elle explorait des manières de jouer de la musique à l’oreille et d’inventer des variations sur des pièces apprises par coeur. Plus tard, l’étude du jazz et de l’improvisation lui ont donné les outils nécessaires pour trouver sa voie à travers la composition, recherchant l’inspiration à travers l’introspection. Sa musique prend ses racines dans la tradition du jazz improvisé, mélangée à des influences impressionistes et romantiques formant ensemble un univers unique.

SAM DICKINSON est né à Toronto et a commencé à jouer de la guitare à l’âge de huit ans. Il a étudié le jazz à l’école secondaire au Humber College Community Music Program, puis au New England Conservatory, au Humber College et à l’Université McGill. Dickinson a obtenu son doctorat en arts musicaux de l’Université de Miami en 2019. Ces années de formation comprenaient l’enseignement de la guitare par Mick Goodrick, Lorne Lofsky, Ben Monder, Joe Morris, John Hart, Ted Quinlan et Brad Shepik, ainsi que la composition.

For this invitation series, pianist Gentiane MG invites Canadian instrumentalists and composers. Concerts will feature her guest’s compositions. Each concert will feature her guest’s original music and unique voice.

GENTIANE MG was always attracted by music as a very powerful and vital means of expression. While studying classical piano as a child, she was already drawn to composition, often exploring ways of playing music by ear and inventing variations on the pieces she had to learn. Later on, studying jazz and improvised music gave her the means to find her own voice through composition, finding inspiration through introspection. Her music comes from the tradition of improvised jazz with colours from impressionistic and romantic classical music that come together in a deeply personal universe.

SAM DICKINSON was born in Toronto, began playing guitar at the age of eight. He studied jazz during high school at the Humber College Community Music Program, followed by studies at New England Conservatory, Humber College, and McGill University. Dickinson received his Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Miami in 2019. These formative years included guitar instruction from Mick Goodrick, Lorne Lofsky, Ben Monder, Joe Morris, John Hart, Ted Quinlan, and Brad Shepik, as well as composition/arranging lessons from John Hollenbeck, Christine Jensen, and Joe Sullivan. Dickinson has shared the stage with Jerry Bergonzi, Jack DeJohnette, Jean- Michel Pilc, Dave Holland, Pat LaBarbara, Jimmy Heath, and Danilo Perez, to name a few. While maintaining an active schedule performing, composing, and teaching in Toronto, Dickinson is in the process of a larger scale recording project as a leader.


Ce contenu provient du Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill et est adapté par PAN M 360.

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