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Mon 09 Mar 2020 • 07:00 pm / Tue 10 Mar 2020 • 08:00 pm / Fri 13 Mar 2020 • 08:00 pm / Sat 14 Mar 2020 • 04:00 pm / Mon 16 Mar 2020 • 07:00 pm / Tue 17 Mar 2020 • 08:00 pm metal / Rock
Théâtre La Chapelle - Montréal 15 $
· by Michel Rondeau

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s bloodiest tragedies, recounting the murder of a king by the titular general, devoured by ambition and driven by his wife to seize power. Eaten away by guilt and paranoia, the evil couple then sinks into madness. A cathartic play, if ever there was one. Production designer Jocelyn Pelletier wanted to give it an even more powerful dimension, by combining pounding rhythms and roaring guitars with a death-metal musical framework. And it’s not likely to miss its mark, since the sound design was entrusted to none other than the irreducible noise artist Érick d’Orion. Sensitive souls abstain.

English surtitles and discussion with the artists after the performance on Friday the 13th.


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