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Schulich in Concert | The Drum Major Instinct Hommage to Martin Luther King Jr

Mon 15 Jan 2024 • 07:30 pm Jazz
Salle Tanna Schulich - Montréal Entrée libre
· by Rédaction PAN M 360

Ed NeumeisterKalun LeungFelix Del Tredici, trombone; Gentiane Michaud-Gagnon, accordion; Oliver Tremblay-Noël, percussion; Roman Munoz Bueno, electric guitar; John Hollenbeck, drumkit and piano.

JOHN HOLLENBECK The Drum Major Instinct: Three settings of Martin Luther King Junior’s last sermon for drumset, piano, trombone trio, accordion, vibraphone/marimba, electric guitar with the voice of MLK Jr.


This content comes from the Schulich School of Music and is adapted by PAN M 360.

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