
Festival Classica: Der Kaiser von Atlantis

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Der Kaiser von Atlantis s’affirme comme un opéra de chambre expressionniste captivant, mêlant habilement l’ironie et la poésie pour critiquer les ténèbres du totalitarisme. Au sein d’un monde ravagé par la folie tyrannique de l’empereur d’Atlantis, ce drame allégorique d’une puissance indéniable propose une réflexion poignante sur la nature de l’autorité, de la vie et de la mort, le tout soutenu par une musique et une dramaturgie d’une intensité exceptionnelle. Avec sept chanteurs et quinze musiciens, cette œuvre majeure du XXe siècle transcende l’unique statut d’opéra; c’est un voyage musical et philosophique, une expérience d’une beauté saisissante à ne pas manquer.

Der Kaiser von Atlantis is a captivating expressionist chamber opera, skilfully blending irony and poetry to criticize the darkness of totalitarianism. Set in a world ravaged by the tyrannical madness of the Emperor of Atlantis, this allegorical drama of undeniable power offers a poignant reflection on the nature of authority, life and death, all underpinned by music and drama of exceptional intensity. With seven singers and fifteen musicians, this major work of the twentieth century transcends the unique status of opera; it is a musical and philosophical journey, an experience of striking beauty not to be missed.


Ce contenu provient du Festival Classica et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Electro-Arabic / Electronic / Persian Classical

(POSTPONED) Niyaz : « The Fourth Light »

by Alain Brunet

Niyaz’s craft is based on the integration of traditional and sacred songs with a contemporary aesthetic. Their choice of instruments cements the East-West connection: keyboards, guitars, digital apps, santur, saz, kaval, kopuz, bendir, riq, qanun, tabla and sarod.

Founded in 2005, Niyaz is a band of Iranian origin formed around Azam Ali (voice, percussion and santur) and Loga Ramin Torkian (multi-instrumentalist). The couple and their child lived in Montreal for the past decade, then returned to California, where they had previously been based. 

Recorded between Montreal and Istanbul, the album The Fourth Light is made up of the duo’s original songs, to which Turkish, Afghan and Iranian pieces are added. The songs are also inspired by Rabia Al Basri, a Sufi poetess and ascetic from the 8th century. The Fourth Light was launched in 2015, and five years later Niyaz come back to Montreal to perform it, roadtested and true. 

Théâtre Outremont’s website notes, “The Fourth Light is a multimedia show, conceived by Jérôme Delapierre, where oriental lutes unfold in electroacoustic instrumentation and where lighting and scenography combine with the dance of Tanya Evanson, one of the few dervish dancers.”


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