
Oh Wonder au Théâtre Corona

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Josephine, pianiste et violoniste de formation classique, était sur le point d’entamer une carrière en droit lorsqu’elle a rencontré Anthony, producteur et ancien membre d’un groupe de rock, dans un studio du sud de Londres. Il lui a proposé de produire certaines de ses chansons, mais dès qu’ils ont commencé à travailler ensemble, il y a eu un déclic. Ou, comme le dit Anthony, “les étoiles sont entrées en collision”.
Son expérience en matière d’arrangement et de production – le légendaire Gil Norton lui avait conseillé de devenir producteur – complète sa formation classique et ses talents de compositeur. Leurs voix à l’unisson sont envoûtantes. Ils sont plus doués pour écrire des textes ensemble qu’ils ne l’étaient séparément.

Classically-trained pianist and violinist Josephine was about to begin a career in law when she met Anthony, a producer and former member of a rock band, in a south London studio. He offered to produce some of her songs, but the moment they started working together, something clicked. Or as Anthony recalls it, “stars collided”.
His background in arranging and production – no less than the legendary Gil Norton had advised him to become a producer – complimented her classical training and songwriting skills. Their voices in unison were spellbinding. They were better at writing lyrics together than they had been apart.


Ce contenu provient de Concort et du Théâtre Corona et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Garage Rock / Glam Rock

The Beaches au Théâtre Corona

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Le groupe de Toronto The Beaches est un groupe de glam rock et de garage. Elles sont indéniablement chaleureuses et indiscutablement cool. Elles sont les filles d’à côté et elles sont la vie de la fête. Quelle que soit la façon dont vous le percevez, The Beaches est 100% rock and roll.

Composé des sœurs Jordan et Kylie Miller (respectivement au chant lead, à la basse et à la guitare), d’Eliza Enman-McDaniel à la batterie et de Leandra Earl aux claviers et à la guitare, le groupe possède un kismet naturel qui transparaît dans chacun de leurs morceaux et dans leurs performances live. Leurs chansons coulent avec une aisance inégalée, des headbangers avec résonance.

Toronto-based band The Beaches are glam rock and garage. They are undeniably warm and unquestionably cool. They are the girls next door and they are the life of the party. However you break it down, The Beaches are 100% rock and roll.

Comprised of sisters Jordan and Kylie Miller (on lead vocals/bass and guitar, respectively), Eliza Enman-McDaniel on drums, and Leandra Earl on keys and guitar, the band has a natural kismet that shines through on each of their tracks and in their live performance. Their songs flow with unparalleled ease, headbangers with resonance.


Ce contenu provient de The Feldman Agency et du Théâtre Corona et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Dream Pop / Indie Pop

Men I trust au Théâtre Corona

by Rédaction PAN M 360

La musique de Men I Trust respire la fraîcheur, l’ingéniosité et la justesse, traits d’une génération de jeunes musicien·ne·s qui cherchent à trouver de nouvelles façons d’explorer leur quotidien. Le groupe multiplie les featurings (Odile, Helena, Ghostly Kisses etc…), et plonge son audience dans des sonorités années 80 rythmées par des riffs de guitare vaporeux, des lignes de basse entêtantes, et des synthés délicats.

Finalement, les loops planants et les harmonies vocales, tantôt masculines, tantôt féminines, s’en mêlent, et le groupe réussit son pari : faire « des sons doux, des mélodies calmes et des rythmes simples qui relaxent, tout en vous faisant bouger votre pied droit et votre menton en rythme ».




Ce contenu provient du Délit et du Théâtre Corona et est adapté par PAN M 360.


Home Free au Théâtre Corona

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Home Free est un groupe country a cappella qui a connu un succès international en 2013 après avoir été couronné vainqueur de la quatrième saison de la populaire compétition vocale télévisée The Sing-Off. Home Free a sorti son premier album Crazy Life en 2014, qui s’est classé au Billboard. Le groupe a continué à trouver sa place dans les palmarès country et grand public avec des titres comme Country Evolution (2015), Dive Bar Saints (2019) et Land of the Free (2021).

Home Free is an a cappella country group that found international success in 2013 after being crowned the season four winners on the popular television vocal competition The Sing-Off. Home Free released their Billboard-charting major-label debut Crazy Life in 2014. The group continued to find favor on both the country and mainstream charts with subsequent efforts like Country Evolution (2015), Dive Bar Saints (2019), and Land of the Free (2021).


Ce contenu provient du Théâtre Corona et de All Music et est adapté par PAN M 360.

Power metal

Dragonforce at Corona Theater

by Rédaction PAN M 360

Known as the fastest band in the world, Grammy-nominated extreme power metal band DragonForce is based in London, England. Their platinum-selling record, Through the Fire and Flames, brought them international acclaim and was featured as the most-challenging song on Guitar Hero III. Their energetic and humorous live performances have won them fans on every continent.

The group is known for their long, complex and fast guitar solos performed by Herman Li and Sam Totman, who founded the band after meeting through a classified ad in 1999. Since then, the band has released seven studio albums, including Valley of the Damned (2003), Sonic Firestorm (2004), Inhuman Rampage (2006), Ultra Beatdown (2008), The Power Within (2012), Maximum Overload (2014), and Reaching into Infinity (2017). Drawing from a wide range of influences, the band’s sound combines the sing-a-long choruses of classic 80′s rock with triumphant, uplifting melodies and fantasy-themed power-metal-inspired lyrics. As a nod to their passion for all things video-game related, the band frequently incorporates retro game sounds and melodies into their recordings and live shows.


This content originates from Metalblade Records and Corona Theater and is adapted by PAN M 360.

Pop / Soul/R&B

Pink Sweat$ plays the Corona

by Rédaction PAN M 360

From Philadelphia comes the affable singer-songwriter David Bowden, aka Pink Sweat$. His reputation has grown tremendously, especially since the release of his album Pink Planet last February.

New Wave / Pop


by Alain Brunet

France’s l’Impératrice have yet to embark upon a successful campaign of conquest in French-speaking North America, except of course among France expats… who might convince their keb friends to accompany them to the Théâtre Corona, to discover the quintet’s French pop mixed with Euro-disco, Gallic funk and new wave. The ’80s sure have staying power! L’Impératrice is made up of singer Flore Benguigui, keyboardists Charles de Boisseguin and Hagni Gwon, bassist David Gaugué, guitarist Achille Trocellier and drummer Tom Daveau. In 2018, the group released the bilingual album Matahari, rich in light, sometimes self-deprecating lyrics. To be taken with a grain of salt…


Electronic / Future Soul / Groove / Jazz / Jazz Fusion / Jazz-Funk / Soul Jazz

(POSTPONED) Thundercat

by Alain Brunet

Stephen Lee Bruner, aka Thundercat, has performed a few times on Montreal stages – notably in the programs of Flying Lotus and, more recently, Herbie Hancock. Composer, lyricist, singer and virtuoso bassist, he is now part of the new elite of Californian jazz-groove (Kamasi Washington, Terrace Martin, Taylor McFerrin, etc.). His appearances on several songs by gifted rapper Kendrick Lamar have also made Thundercat shine. It Is What It Is, his fourth album, will be released on the Brainfeeder label next April, but before that, his fans will be treated to this new material on stage.



Indie Rock

(CANCELLED) Best Coast • Mannequin Pussy

by Michel Rondeau
Hardcore / Rock

Refused • Youth Code • Racetraitor

by Geneviève Gendreau

The Swedish band has lost none of its verve and revolutionary ideals, as evidenced by its most recent album, War Music, released last October on Search And Destroy/Spinefarm. A sense of urgency can be heard from one end to the other of this hardcore firecracker, with Marx’s famous maxim punctuating “Blood Red”. It’s impossible not to mention the two bands that will accompany Refused for most of their North American tour. First of all, Youth Code, an EBM act plunging its tendrils into hardcore, with a brutal and generous stage presence. Finally, the classic band of committed hardcore punk, Racetraitor, arrives with an abrasive sound if ever there was one. An uncompromising evening, not to be missed!


Progressive Metal / Rock

Devin Townsend

by Christine Fortier

Photo credit: Tanya Ghosh

The February 28 concert sold like hotcakes, so a second date was added to meet the demand. The Canadian multi-instrumentalist’s acoustic (and unsettling) performance at the 2019 edition of Heavy Montreal apparently had no negative effect on his fans. Given that the tour for the album Empath, released in March 2019, begins in Montreal, it’s a mystery as to whether Townsend will perform mostly material from his solo albums, or whether he will also draw from the repertoire of The Devin Townsend Band, The Devin Townsend Project and Strapping Young Lad. If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get the Strapping Young Lad songs he played during the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise last January.


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