Osheaga, Day 3 | Kevin Abstract Has Found His Way

by Jacob Langlois-Pelletier

“This is the best concert I’ve ever done in my life!” shouted Kevin Abstract, a few seconds after launching himself into the crowd. The American rapper maintained this state of joy and ecstasy from beginning to end, offering a colorful performance to the many lovers of his music crowded near the Scène Verte on Sunday.

Formed in 2014, the defunct BROCKHAMPTON collective, of which Abstract was the founder, left its mark on a generation with their alternative hip-hop that continued to reinvent itself with each release.

For many Montrealers, including the author of these lines, the boy band ceased its activities before having the chance to see them on stage. Thus, the arrival of the Texas native represented the perfect opportunity to taste what remains of the group, but not only that. Clifford Ian Simpson’s solo career is not at all to be neglected; his album ARIZONA BABY is an inspired pop-rap offering and what can we say about Blanket released a little over a year ago, a project in which he explores rock like never before.

Back to the point. Kevin Abstract gave it his all during a set; he jumped and danced and then got down on numerous occasions to get closer to his audience. The American artist offered both solo tracks and verses from his former band’s various projects, ranging from Madonna from Blanket to RZA from The Family. No matter the song, one thing was certain: the bass was going to be on full blast.

With such an outspoken offering to Osheaga, Kevin Abstract seems to have finally freed himself from the label of former member of BROCKHAMPTON. It remains to be seen what the next step in his solo adventure will be.

Crédit photo: Benoit Rousseau

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